11- Pool day

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⚠️Tw: mentions of sh scars⚠️
It turned out that me and Albert were staying on the same floor, he walked me to my room as he wanted to meet Alyssa.

I opened the door and walked into my room. "Alyssaaaa" I call out. Alyssa walks out of the bathroom to find me while me and Albert sat on the bed.

"What the- is that, Albert??" Alyssa asks. "Nice to meet you!" Albert says putting his hand out. They shake hands and I smile. "Wow you are really hot" Alyssa says under her breath.

Me and Albert look at each other and start laughing. "Shit did I say that out loud, I'm sorry" Alyssa quickly says.

We talk for a few minutes before Albert got a text from Kaden. "Oh kaden is in the lobby right now, you guys wanna come get him?" Albert asked us.

We agreed and walked to the lobby. We looked around for a bit till I heard Albert yell "KADEN!!!"

We all turned and saw Kaden and Albert hugging. Me and Alyssa walked over to them. "Hey kaden!" I say "Yn!" Kaden says as he gives me a hug.

We talked for a bit before we decided to go to alberts room. We walked to his room and sat down.

We were talking about what we wanted to do today. "How about we go to the pool??" Alyssa asks. "Ooo that sounds fun" Kaden says. "I'm down." Albert says. "Sure!" Raven says. Everyone turns to me waiting for me to respond.

I was about to say yes when I realized something. "Hellooo ynnn" Albert says looking at me. "Oh um sure" I say with a fake smile.

Everyone goes to their rooms so they could get ready. "Yn are you okay?" Alyssa asked. "Hm oh I'm fine" I say smiling.

I go to my suitcase and try to find a cute swimsuit. I find an all black two piece (you can change it to whatever you want!) I head to the bathroom to change.

As I finish changing I look at myself in the mirror. I see many scars on my thighs. I run my hand over them feeling every bump. I look at my shoulders and see more scars. I tear up a bit as my heart races.

Fuck. I was scared. What would they think. What would Albert think. My heart began to beat even faster and it felt heavy. I sat on the ground as my breath became faster. What was I going to do. What would they say.

"Ynnn. Hurry I need to change too!" Alyssa said while nocking at the door. "I- um- just a second" I say quickly. I grab a towel and wrapped it around myself.

I opened the door and quickly walked out. "Let me see you swimsuit girl!!" Alyssa said. "You can see it at the pool!" I say. Alyssa rolls her eyes and walks into the bathroom to change.

I quickly grab a pair of biker shorts. I put a t shirt on and put my hair up with a clawclip. I fixed my makeup a bit and waited for Alyssa.

"Alyssa hurry! Everyone is at the pool already!" I yell. I'm still very nervous. Albert texted me and told me that denis and temp had gotten here already.

(Time skip)
After another ten minutes Alyssa finally came out and we walked to the pool. My hands were shaky and my heart was racing.

We found everyone else and walked towards them. They were all sitting down. "Oh my god finally!" Albert says "You guys took forever" he says. I roll my eyes and flip him off.

I said hi to Denis and temp and we talked for a bit. "Can we go in the pool yet, it's so damn hot!" Kaden said. Everyone agreed and began to get in the pool.

"Yn are you coming in??" Albert asked me before he got in. "I- uh probably not" I was so scared. What would they think of me.

My thoughts got interrupted when I looked up. My eyes locked with alberts. He looked sympathetic yet worried. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Uh ya I'm fine don't worry" my eyes wondered around when suddenly I realized he didn't have a shirt on.

I began to blush profusely. "Are you sure? Your Turing bright red." He asked looking in my eyes deeply. "I- uh- no- I mean- um" I kept stuttering. Why? I turned my head to I couldn't see his face. "I just don't want you to Judge me." I say quietly.

"Judge you? I would never." Albert says. I turn to look at him and our eyes meet once again. I feel myself start to blush again. But then I notice, his face is red as well. Is it blush or is he just sun burnt? I see him smile.

"You just gonna stare at me or are you gonna get in the pool" he laughs. "Ugh fine I'll get in." I say while laughing. "Good" he smiles and walks always. I hear him jump in the pool and laugh.

Fuck it. I sat up and took off the t shirt I was wearing over my swimsuit. I then stood up and took off my shorts.

Suddenly I felt everyone go quite. I turned and noticed that everyone was looking at me. Fuck my life. No one said anything. I knew what they were staring at. My scars.

"Can you guys stop being perverts" I say angrily. I walk to the steps and get into the pool. Still no one said anything. "What?" I said. No one answered me. They all looked at me worried. I rolled my eyes and splashed them with water.

I think Albert got the hint and splashed me back. I smiled. We all began to splash each other. They eventually forgot about what they saw. Or maybe they didn't forgot, they just got distracted. Whatever it was I was glad. No one said anything or talked about my scars.

We all had a lot of fun. The cuts on my arm were stinging a little as they were kinda fresh. I ignored it though. I didn't want to bring it up.

(Time skip)
We were all in the pool for about an hour. It was so much fun. We played a lot of games and laughed a lot. I'm not sure why but i kept catching Albert staring at me. To be honest I did stare at him a few times as well. I mean he was really fit and seeing him without his shirt for the first time (in person) it was weird but I strangely enjoyed it.

We walked back to our hotel rooms. I took a shower to wash off the pool water. I changed into some green camo cargo pants and a black long sleeve crop top (you can always change it!)

I dried my hair as we were going to dinner later. I did my makeup and watched some tv before going out to dinner.
(1180 words)
Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Also I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated In a while. My mental health got really bad and at had to go to the mental hospital for a few weeks. But I am better now! I hope you are doing good! Please suggest some things I could put in this story in the future!! Love you all lots ❤️

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