07- Minecraft

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I was a bit nervous to say hi to everyone, I only know these people from the very few videos I watched on alberts channel. Everyone was active and sending messages in the chat. I decided to wait until someone asked about me or Albert introduced me.
<Dani> Albert who did you add?
<Albert> oh that's yn
<yn> hi :)
<Dani> Omg hi yn!
<Temp> Hi 👋
<Denis> hiiii
<Jake> Hey yn!
<Albert> she's gonna join us in the Minecraft video
<Denis> Okay Dani we get "girl power" 🙄
<Dani> Stfu
<yn> When where you guys gonna start playing?
<Jake> We all agreed on 20 minutes
<yn> oh okay that sounds good
<Albert> guys ima get ready, ima start a vc in 20 minutes
<All> okay
I smiled, everyone was so nice. I got out of my bed and fixed my hair and makeup. I changed my clothes quickly. I wore some baggy jeans and I put on a black zip up hoodie that has rhinestone angle wings on the back. (You can always change it!)

I took a can of Dr Pepper out of my fridge and took it back to my room. I shut the door and sat on my chair. I made sure my mic and camera worked. I went on my phone and scrolled through tiktok before I heard a ringing from my computer.

Albert was calling the gc. I waited a few seconds before answering. After a second everyone joined the vc and all said hi to make sure there mics where working.

We joined alberts Minecraft world. Me, Dani, and Denis had stuck together for most of the time. Our main goal was to try and get to the end and fight the ender dragon.

We all started to goof around for a bit, Albert kept going into creative and messing with me. As payback, anytime I saw Albert I would kill him. Especially if he was afk.

Albert put me in creative mode unknowingly. I remembered acode to put in the command block that would explode everything in a 300 block radius.

I used it just as Albert, Jake, and temprist where about to go to the end. Albert got so mad he threw his chair across his room. I was laughing so hard. After that We played for 30 more minutes until everyone decided to get off.

The whole time we were playing I was laughing and smiling. It was so much fun. I was glad that everyone liked me.

I walked out of my room and headed to the balcony. I needed some fresh air. Teddy walked out with me and sat on my lap. I had taken a few hits from my vape when I got a notification from discord.

<Mrflimflam> you fucking bitch how could you do that when we were almost at the end 😡
<Yn2kool> Idk I just felt like it ;)
<Mrflimflam> fuck you
<Yn2kool> sorry 🤷‍♀️
<Mrflimflam> anyways, thanks for playing with us lmao. You made the video at least 10 times better
<Yn2kool> So you not mad at me for blowing you up 😋
<Mrflimflam> No I am still pissed off. One of these days ima get revenge 👿
<Yn2kool> ooo I'm so scared 💩
<Mrflimflam> stfu
<Yn2kool> no ❤️
<Mrflimflam> anyways Ill tty later
<Yn2kool> dam Alr then 😔💔
I put my phone down and smiled. "Ooo who you talking to?? Is it that cute youtuber guy." Alyssa asked as she sat next to me. "Uhh ya." I say and laugh. "You think he's cute?" I ask her.
"Ya he's pretty cute for a white boy. What you don't think he's cute?" She asked

I paused for a moment. "No I do think he's cute it's just-" I say before getting cut off "so you do like him huh" Alyssa replied smiling "what no?! I- I do not like him, I barely even know him"

Alyssa laughs "I don't know man, you guys would look pretty cute together". I look at her in shock. "Me and Albert?? No fucking way, he is not my type at all"

Alyssa looks at me and rolls her eyes "ya cuz your type is narcissistic cheating ass holes" I stop for a second. "That's not what I mean. Ya Albert is a nice guy, but I don't know I just like guys that are more-" I get cut off again

"Yn please I know almost all of your exes, they where either abusive cheaters, or they just wanted sex from you." Alyssa says sighing. "Listen I didn't mean to bring that up but you need a guy who is like this Albert dude." She says.

"Ya but I don't like Albert" I say once more "I'm not saying you have to date him, but find yourself a guy who is like him. Hell if I knew Albert I would date him" Alyssa says laughing.

Me and Alyssa talk for a few more minutes when I get a call from my friends.

"Hey girls are you on your way to pick me up?" I ask. "Hey yn, where sorry but we went to this party at Josh's house" my friend says. I could tell she was drunk. "Wait Josh? My ex?!" I ask confused. "He's your ex? Oops, I forgot yn. So sorry, anyways I have to go we're doing beer pong!" She says. It's silent for a moment until I hang up.

"That's fucked up" Alyssa says "ya well what can I do now." I get up and head to my room. I sit up and decide to go to the beach by myself.

I grab a blanket and my camera. I walk to my car and start to drive.

*Time skip*
I parked my car and found a spot. I laid my blanket down and sat down. I looked at the sky. I unpacked my camera and set it up. It's was a pretty cloudy day.

I got up and started to take pictures with me camera. I stayed there for and hour before I went home. I was exhausted. I took a shower and then took a nap.
*1028 words*
Hey guys sorry if this chapter is kinda bad. Please comment or vote if you enjoy this story and if you actually read it 😭 but thank you for all the views and I hope your having a good day or afternoon ❤️

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