15- Meet and greet

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The morning after we went out I woke up with a splitting headache. Albert texted the group chat that we were going to all get breakfast to "wake us up". I knew damn well that Albert was just as hungover as the rest of us.

I was also very tired so instead of doing my whole routine for getting ready, I just brushed my hair changed clothes, and brushed my teeth.

After me and Alyssa were somewhat ready we headed downstairs to the buffet. We went to find everyone else.

"Finally you guys are here, you take so long" Denis said. I rolled my eyes and took a seat next to Albert. Alyssa and I noticed that everyone already had food, we excused our selfs and went to get food.

There was a lot of options, I wasn't sure what to pick. I grabbed A basic cream cheese bagel, bacon and sausage, and some cookies. I saw that there was also a coffee station so I made myself some coffee.

I headed back to the table and took my seat. We all began to go over the plan for today. "So me and Albert were thinking that we would do our meet and greet for maybe like four hours, then after that we would get lunch, and then just explore." Temp said.

The mood seemed pretty low at the table, every was pretty tired and quiet. I pulled out my phone and looked through my twitter notifications. There was nothing interesting, just the usual likes on my tweet, and few people tagging me in things, and some edits or artwork people made.

I accidentally click on one of the notifications and a video begins to play. I jump at the sudden noise as the song I wanna be yours starts to play. I turn down my volume quickly but everyone looks at me.

I figured I should just watch the video, when I notice that it's a ship edit of me and Albert. I suddenly begin to blush. I don't notice but Alyssa was looking over my shoulder. She quickly snatched my phone away from my hands.

"Ooo~ what is our friend y/n watching.???" She says in a weird voice. Now everyone is watching intensely. "Omg what is it I want to see!" Raven says.

Alyssa passes the phone to Raven when suddenly Raven begins to pass it around. My face turns bright red from embarrassment. When I realized that Denis was about to pass the phone to Albert. I shrink down in my seat and cover my face with my hand.

I hear the video play one last time and I know Albert is watching this. Then everyone begins to laugh. "Bro that's hella funny" Jake said laughing. "Nah who would actually ship them together" Temp said. I sit up and realize they are laughing at the edit, and not at me.

"Oh my god send me that video right now, that shit is so funny" Albert says. I smile and laugh a bit, relived that they aren't laughing at me.

After breakfast we all headed back to our rooms to get ready. I did light makeup and did my hair very simple. I wore a grey crop top and black pro club sweats.

I waited for Alyssa to finish getting ready when I heard a knock at the door. I get up to open it and I see the group. "Are you guys ready yet, we have to go now if we want to make it in time" Kaden said. "Oh ya I'm just waiting on Alyssa, here give me one second" I said. I left the door open and went to check on Alyssa.

"Are you ready, the others are waiting on us!" I said rushing her. "Shit okay I'm going right now" Alyssa said while quickly putting on deodorant.

We walked out to hotel room and began to walk to the convention. "Ughhhh why are we walking it's so hotttt" Alyssa says complaining. "We will be there soon!" Raven said

After about three more minutes we finally got to the convention. We showed one of the workers our passes and he led us to the spot we would be taking pictures and talking to the fans.

Since Alyssa and Raven didn't have the same pass as us the worker allowed them to stand next to him and watch us. And since temp hasn't showed his face to the public he would just stand with Alyssa and Raven.

As soon as we got there I noticed a few people were already lined up. People started coming up one by one and taking pictures with us, giving us gifts, or just talking to us. It was nice to see so many people who where fans of us.

I'm sure most of the people that came where here to meet Denis and Albert but it was still nice to be there.

We stayed there for a lot longer than we expected, but Albert wanted to meet everyone. After we all went to a local sandwich place. It was calls Gio's Sandwiches and it had a cute little pickle with a smiley face for the mascot (ugly Betty fans unite 😍)

After lunch we walked back to the convention and started walking around. Some people were stopping Albert and Denis to take pictures or just to say hi. I thought it was so nice that they made time for their fans.

After walking around for a bit we didn't really find anything that interesting so we decided to go to the arcade that was only a few blocks away.

Once we got there me and Alyssa began to look for those motorcycle games. Once I saw one I yelled "FOUND IT!!!" And began to run over to it. I swiped the card and sat on the bike.

I used to have an ex boyfriend in college that had a motorcycle, he taught me how to ride. I would brag to Alyssa that I was an "expert" at these games when I really wasn't. The only thing I was good at was sitting the correct way on the bike.

Unfortunately this arcade only had one bike so Alyssa stood by me waiting for me to finish my game. As I got to on the bike I felt someone staring at me. I ignored it as I thought it was Alyssa. When suddenly I heard Alyssa say "oh ya you checking her out? She's got a big Gyatt huh!" She says laughing while making sure she emphasizes gyatt.

I blush hearing that and look back to see Albert and Alyssa staring at me. I feel my face flush red. "W-what no I was just watching her play- uh okay ima go I think Denis is calling me" Albert says in a rush while he walks away swiftly.

I quickly finish my game and then get on the bike. I then signal Alyssa to get on but I see her staring on something, or someone. "Yo Alyssa you good? It's your turn!" I say. "What are you even looking at!?" I begin to try and look when she turns back to me.

"Uh no y/n trust me you are not gonna wan to look over there." Alyssa says. A confused look crawls over my face. "W-why?" I ask concerned. "It's- Anthony." She says quietly

Suddenly I feel my heart sink into my stomach.
"He's here.?"

...To be continued...
*1247 words*
Guys I hope you like this chapter! Also thank you sm for all the support y'all have been giving me lately!! I love reading all of your guys comments they always make me laugh! Also the next part will most likely be uploaded on Friday, so check for updates! I will also post a message on my profile to let you all know a day before I upload the next part! I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope y'all enjoyed reading it. Also thank you all for supporting me with my mental health, I am in a much better place now so expect more uploads! Love y'all 🤍🦩 (if your reading this comment your favorite band!)

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