22- Last Day

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A/N: quick A/N. So yes I am back! So I know I've been talking about a type of Music Festival, I've decided to skip that because it was really hard for me to write... so instead they are just going to have one free day!! Please forgive me for not including the music festival, I hope you understand. Enjoy the story <3)

Sunday, 12:24

Everyone was enjoying lunch at an Italian restaurant. The day so far was just everyone hanging out and having fun. I was surprised but no one had that many questions about me and Albert. Of course Raven and Kaden kept going on and on about how they both felt a spark between me and Albert.

Albert and I spent our day together, it is our last day after all. We decided to spend the rest of the day like we spent the first. At the pool. We all headed to our rooms to get ready. Denis had requested to rent to pool so it was empty just for us!

When Alyssa and I got to the hotel room I could sense something off. She was barely talking to me, let alone looking at me. "Hey Alyssa.. is everything okay?" I asked. I'm sure she was still upset about me and Albert. But I honestly thought it wasn't a big deal.

Alyssa turned around and looked at me with annoyance in her face. "Oh like you would even care." She replied, there was a lot of anger in her voice, but a tint of sadness. I knew exactly what she was upset about.

"Alyssa I do care, I really do. I- I just don't understand. Why are you so upset over this?" I asked. I cared for her deeply, she was like a sister to me, and I hated seeing her like this. I wanted to fix whatever was wrong before it became un fixable.

"Are you seriously asking me that Y/n? Are you fucking stupid. Sure maybe I said I was fine. But I'm not. I hate seeing you and Albert Together, you said it was going to be a secret, but all of a sudden you want to go and flaunt your relationship to the world?! I'm done with this shit. I've suffered long enough having to deal with all your shit Y/n. I'm leaving today. I got back with Marcus and he's going to move in with me." Alyssa says sternly. She begins packing her stuff, throwing things around the room.

Was she serious? I get she's upset but this is a little over the top. "You got back with Marcus?! Why?? Alyssa, he's an asshole. Do you know what he's done to me?!" I stand in front of her. I can tell she's deeply hurt.

"I don't care what he did to you, he's the only person who actually cared about me. Don't try and stop me Y/n, I've already made up my mind. Marcus is already moving his stuff in. And don't worry he's packing your stuff up."
Alyssa zips up her suitcase and begins putting on her shoes.

"Wait what!? Alyssa are you crazy?! Where am I supposed to go?!!" I yell at her. What is she thinking, what is she doing. Was all this because of some stupid crush she had on me?

"Go live with your fucking boyfriend. I don't care. I don't ever want to see you again." Alyssa begins to leave. I try and chase after her but she slams the door in my face. I was so confused what had just happened. Suddenly I realized I should chase after her. I open the door and noticed she had already reached the elevator.

The second I get to her she's already in the elevator with the door closing. I catch my breath. What the fuck just happened. I walk back to my room. I lean my back on the door and slowly slide to the floor. I hug my knees and begin to cry. I don't understand what is going on. Why do bad things happen to me as soon as things get good.

I was sat there for a good five minutes before I heard a knock at my door. I was so hopeful that it was Alyssa. I wiped my tears and opened it, holding my breath. I exhale when I see Albert. I let him in. He quickly noticed that something was wrong, he pulled me into a tight hug and didn't let go until he felt that it was enough.

"Raven told me what happened. I'm so sorry she left. Y/n listen I know that this sucks, but don't let her ruin our last day together. You can always talk to her when you get back home. She will probably be more calmed down by then." Albert says trying to comfort me. I agree with him until I realized.

"Albert. I don't have a home anymore. She fucking kicked me out..." I confessed to him. He looked at me with shock. He sat me down on my bed and just held me. We didn't talk. He just held me and let me cry.

After a while I felt better. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "What am I supposed to do." My voice was a mix of sadness and confusion. I hated this feeling.

"Well. This might be a big stretch. But, if you wanted maybe I could buy you a ticket to Florida, you could live with me. And we could get a Uhaul to take your stuff and move it down there." I could tell the idea was the first thing he thought of. It wasn't a bad idea, but I never expected to move in with him after only dating him for a few days.

I paused, not saying a word. Should I actually do this? It was a big step to take, with no preparation at all. I would be moving away from the place I grew up in. I would be moving away from all my friends and family, I would have to make all new friends. After a while I looked at Albert.

"This is crazy, it's so sudden. But- I think we should do it." After I said that Alberts eyes lit up. He smiled brightly and hugged me tightly.
"We should head to the pool so the others don't get worried. Let actually keep this a secret okay?" Albert said. He looked at me and winked. I laughed and quickly changed into my swimwear in the bathroom. After I was ready we headed downstairs to the pool.

It was a hot sunny day. I sorta regretted not putting on sunscreen, but I just brush it off. I noticed that there was beer and food. "Woah who brought all this!?" I chuckled. "Kaden wanted to do all this" Raven laughed. It was quite hot so I grabbed a beer and headed into the pool.

Everyone was having a good time. They did ask about Alyssa, but I just said she wasn't feeling well and decided to head home early. I took lots of pictures of everyone, especially me and Albert. After a while we all watched the sun go down. Everyone was laughing, drinking, and listening to music. Soon we all decided to call it a night.

"Do you want me to sleep in your room tonight? I don't want you to feel alone." Albert suggested as we walked back to our rooms. I looked as him and smiled, it was nice knowing he cared for me. "Ya sure, that sounds good." I replied.

1278 Words
Yay I'm back! I'm so so sorry I was gone for so long. If you read the Last "chapter/AN" then you would know why I was gone. But I'm back. I hope you really enjoyed this chapter. I didn't really have a plan for this, other than I wanted Albert and Y/n to somehow move in together. So this was the best thing I could think of. Anyway I hope you've been having a good year so far. 🤍🦩
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