19- First Date /pt.1/

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Friday, 6:00 am

I wake up to my alarm. I forgot for a second why I set it so early. I then realized that I need to get ready. I get up and walk to my suitcase. I want to look good today as it will be Mine and Alberts first date. But before our first date we are going to get breakfast with the group.

I wear a blue fitted shirt, light blue baggy jeans, and a brown carhartt jacket. I pair the outfit with a pair of adidas. (Remember you can always change it!) I do my makeup pretty simple, I then put my hair up with a clawclip.

I realized it was 7am and Alyssa and I began to make our way to the lobby to meet with the rest of the group. Once we find everyone we all head to the buffet.

I sit in between Albert and Alyssa again. I fill my plate with fruit, waffles, bacon, and some chocolate chip cookies. I then grab a cup of lemonade to go with it.

We all begin to eat and talk about our plans for today. Me and Albert both agreed to keep our date a bit of a secret from the rest of the group until we make it official.

"What about you Y/n? What are you going to do today?" Raven says. The group's attention then goes to me. "I- um, oh I'm going to meet with some old friends, we're just gonna grab lunch and then go shopping!" I ramble a bit as I'm not sure what I should have said.

When they ask Albert his excuse would have tricked me if I didn't know. "Oh I'm just gonna go to some of the skateparks with a few friends, and then we're going to just do some dumb shit" Albert says as he eats the sandwich on his plate.

After breakfast we all go back to our rooms. I decided to freshen up a bit. I probably had a few hours until Albert came to pick me up. I decided to lay down and scroll on my phone for a bit.

People were still making edits and I noticed some fan art people had made of me and Albert. I was laughing as people argued over our "ship name" I also noticed that people had began to follow and subscribe to me. I had posted one video while I was on this trip. It was a video I made and edited a few months ago as a "just in case"

I realized I hadn't posted since Monday, so I grabbed my computer and decided to post another one of my "just in case" videos. I looked through it really quick to make sure there were no mistakes or that I edited everything I should have. Once I finished checking it I began to start the upload process.

The wifi in my room kinda sucked but it said it would take half an hour to finish uploading. As I was waiting I made a few TikTok's for fun, but I never posted them.

After a bit the video was ready. I fixed the title and description and then posted it. I closed my computer and put it away. As I did that I heard a knock at the door.

I was sure it was Albert so I grabbed my purse and said bye to Alyssa. I opened the door and said hi to him. I noticed he was holding his skateboard but I thought nothing of it.

"So what do you have planned for today?" I say as I look up at him smiling. "Well I want to take you somewhere before we go have lunch, and then I want to take you to get some ice cream." He says as we walked through the busy streets.

We talk about a lot of stuff. Where we grew up, our best friends, what we want in the future, and so much more. Suddenly Albert stops in front of the skate park. "We're here!" He says smiling.

"Oh but I don't know how to skate" I say nervously. "I had a feeling.. so I'm going to teach you! Or at least try." He says as he walks up. I am a bit hesitant but I followed him.

"Maybe you should skate a bit just so I get an idea of what to do!" I say. He laughs and nods. He begins to ride around a bit before he heads to the top of a ramp.

(Warning I know literally nothing about skating so my depictions will be horrible, I am so sorry 😭)

I decide to pull out my phone to record him just in case he falls. "You ready!" He yells as he notices I'm recording. "Yup!" I yell and hold up one thumb.

He leans forward and begins to skate down the ramp onto another. He kinda jumps and grabs the bottom of his board with his hand. As he lands on the ground his balance becomes unstable and he falls on his ass.

I begin to laugh uncontrollably as he smiles at me. "Oh shut up woman I bet you can't even stand on a skateboard" he laughs as he stands up and walks towards me. "Okay well I've never even touched a skateboard so it's not my fault!" I say.

He puts his skateboard down in front of me. "Okay well that's why we're here, I want to teach you" he says giving me a cute smile. I smile back at him. I put one foot on the board and begin to slowly put my other on top. I stuck both my arms out to try and give myself balance.

I stand there for a good three seconds when I say "see I can stand on a skateboard!" I laugh. Albert is standing close with his hands ready to catch me in case I were to fall. He looks at me and smiles then rolls his eyes.

He was about to say something when I began to lose my balance, I began to fall forward. Albert quickly put his hands on my waist and I begin to stabilize myself on the skateboard.

My heart pounds fast, not only because I was about to fall but because Albert had his hands on my waist. He then removed them "You good?" He asks. "Ya, I think I'm ready to start learning to ride" I say as I look at him.

"Alright just put your foot like this and kick the floor with your other foot. And that's really it, I'll have to teach you tricks another time." I look at him and admire his passion for skating.

He helps me practice for a bit, and I watch him do tricks. We spend a good amount of time there before we decide to grab lunch. We head to a place called Three Borders Brunch and Grill.

Albert makes a few jokes on how he took me here to remind me of how I crossed the border. As we wait for our table we talk about very random things.

We sit down and order some drinks. I get the Watermelon Agua Fresca. Albert gets the lemonade. "So you Mexican right? What do you recommend on the menu?" Albert asks me as he looks through the menu.

"Uh well I'm going to get Carne Asada tacos with rice, but I would say the Torta, or Enchiladas would be a good choice for you!" I say as I look through the menu.

"Hmmm I think I'll get the Torta!" He says Torta with his white boy accent which makes me laugh a bit "what? What's so funny!?" He laughs a bit. "Oh nothing it's just the way your say Torta." I laugh a bit. "Okay well it's not my fault I was born in America!" He says in a fake country accent.

That makes me laugh a lot when I hear it. "And at least I'm not illegal!" He says which makes me laugh harder. "Shut up white boy.!" I say as I kick him under the table.

Once we got our food Albert asks me to teach him a bit of Spanish. "Okay so if I say hola como estas? You would say..." I gesture to him "oh um I would say hola, yo estoy bien. Y tu?" He says stumbling over his words a bit. "Yes perfect you got it!" I notice his smile grow.

We finish our food and pay. "Okay I have one last place to take you, we'll technically two." He says as we walk to the next place.

*1447 words*
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I was going to make it one long chapter but I decided to make you wait (sorry 😭) but I will definitely post the next chapter in one or two days, so be ready! I don't think there will be a lot of drama as I think y/n needs a break from it for a few chapters 😭 anyway hope you have a good day, night, or afternoon! Love you all lots!🤍🦩 (Comment the last song you listened to or the song you are currently listening to!)

My boy (Albert/Flamingo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now