05- Marcus.

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*tw for this chapter, there will be some bullying, unwanted sexual comments, and sh. I will put this emoji ⚠️ when that stuff starts, and I will put this emoji ✅ when that stuff is over!*

I was about to leave when I got a message from Albert.
Hey sorry if I ruined ur stream
Ruined? You did not do that at all! You actually made it better lmao
Oh okay 😭
You just seemed annoyed with me lmao
Oh no I was not annoyed at all!
You are actually pretty funny lmao 😭
You just realized??
Anyways what r u doing??
Im about to go on a walk.
Oh okay well lmk when you get back loser

I was about to text Albert back when I heard Alyssa's boyfriend walk inside the apartment. Fuck. I decided I would just get out of there as fast as I can.

"Babe Wait here k! Ima go to the bathroom!" I heard Alyssa yell. Shit. I wanted to get it over with so I grabbed a black zip up sweater and put on my shoes. I walked out to the living room.

"Heyy, is that yn~" I heard Alyssa's boyfriend say. "What the fuck do you want Marcus" I replied sternly. "Hey don't be like that baby~" Marcus said.

"Can you not call me that." I asked "cmon y/n you know you want me" Marcus walked closer to me. "I will never want you. Just go please."

"Aww yn your so sexy when your mad" Marcus said while grabbing my ass. I jumped when he did that "WHAT THE FUCK MARCUS" I yelled but quickly covered my mouth. "I know you liked that" he whispered in my ear.

"Get the fuck away from me" I whisper-yelled "cmon baby I wanna see your cute body riding on my d-" I cut him off and slapped him. "Shut the fuck up Marcus. I will never do anything with you."

He covered his cheek with his mouth and looked at me angrily. "You fucking cunt. You know I never even wanted you, you're just a fat fucking pig, ever heard of a diet?" He laughed at his so called joke.

"Fuck you Marcus" those were the only words that could come out of my mouth. "You wish you could Huh pig. Your so fucking worthless. You know Alyssa doesn't even like you. She's just using you. She tells me every night how she wishes you would just kill yourself. So do it piggy. No one wants you here." He said making sure to whisper.

I had no words to say. I had worked so hard to recover from my Ed. I usually wouldn't cry but I couldn't help it. I don't know why but I believed him. I pushed Marcus away and walked to my room.

I locked my door and fell to the floor. He's right. I looked at my side table. I hesitated for a moment before getting up and walking towards it. I opened the top drawer and put my hand underneath it. I felt around until I got the blade I had hidden.

I took my sweater off. I made a few lines on my skin and then cleaned up. I wrapped my arm in bandage wrap. I put my sweater on and wiped my tears. I made it look like I wasn't crying and walked out. (Changed this part as I felt it was a bit to much, sry)


When I walked into the living room Marcus was not there. I'm guessing they went into Alyssa's room. I walked out and went to my car.

I drove to this park my dad used to take me to as a kid. No one was there since it was pretty late. I parked my car and walked over to a bench. I sat down and admired the lake.

While I was staring at the lake I got many memories of my dad. I started to tear up. I missed him a lot. I started to cry a bit as I thought more and more about him.

Suddenly I got a call. Albert was calling me. I answered him.
Y-you A-albert

A: Heyy yn whatcha doing???

Y: uh nothing really. *i said my voice a little shaky*

A: hey are you okay? You sound, sad.

Y:no I fine! But why'd you call?

A: oh i just wanted to talk about some video Ideas. For when we collab!

Y: oh okay well tell me!

A: alright so I was thinking that maybe we could....

*time skip*
Me and albert talked for about an hour before I had to go. I had to go back home because Alyssa texted me that Marcus had left. I drove home and immediately went to my bedroom.

I went into my closet and found my bottle of tequila. I took a few shots before I decided to go to bed.
*866 words*
Y'all I'm sorry this chapter was a bit emo but I am emo irl so 🤷‍♀️ lmao jk but hope you enjoyed I'll be writing two more chapters tmr! Ima just say goodnight bc it's 3am for me! So goodnight loves!

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