06- Starbucks

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I woke up really late. I was supposed to go to work today but I decided that I didn't feel to good. I texted my manager letter her know that I am not gonna go to work today. I scrolled through twitter for a bit. I was probably gonna edit and upload my video today so I decided to get up.

I walked into the kitchen. I wasn't that hungry so I decided to just drive to Starbucks and get a drink there. I didn't look to bad, my makeup was a little smudged and my hair was kinda tangled.

I decided that I would just brush my hair and fix my makeup before heading out. I was wearing some grey sweatpants and the same black cropped top from yesterday. I grabbed my keys and walked to my car.

Once I got in I started driving to Starbucks.
*time skip to when you get to Starbucks*

I had just parked my car and headed inside the Starbucks. It wasn't that busy. I headed to the line with about three people in front of me. I noticed at the corner of my eye that there was this girl staring at me. I turned to look at her and when I did she looked embarrassed and looked away.

I took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram waiting for my turn. Suddenly I heard someone behind me. "Umm excuse me but Um.. are you yn..?" A shy voice said. I turned around a noticed the girl that was staring at me earlier. She looked to be about 17 years old.

"Uh ya I am" I said smiling. "Sorry to bother you but can I get a picture with you? I love you videos" she nervously laughed. "Oh of course we can take a picture!" I say smiling.

The girl hands her phone, to who I presume is her mom. I put my hand around the girls shoulder, I have to bend down slightly. I do a thumbs up and smile. "Thank you so much my daughter loves to watch your videos!" The mom says.

I talk to them for a few more minutes. "Oh um I also wanted to ask, do you and Albert actually hate each other?" The girl asked. "Oh I'll tell you but you gotta promise not to tell anyone else, me and Albert don't really hate each other! We are actually friends kinda" I say laughing.

The girl and her mom leave and I go to order. "Hi can I please get a *wtvr drink you like* and a cake pop?" I ask the guy at the cash register. "Ya sure, what's the name for the order?" He asks "its yn" I say.

I sit at a nearby seat waiting for my name to be called. I wait about 7 minutes before I hear my name and grab my order.

I sat at a table and decided I would just edit my video while I was there. I grabbed my laptop out of my backpack and plugged in my headphones. I didn't want to spend to much time there so I decided to only edit a bit and finish the rest at home.

After about 10 minutes I decided to head home. I got into my car and was about to drive off when Albert messaged me on discord.
Hey are you busy?
I'm just about to start driving but I can wait a bit.
What do you need?
Oh well I was trying to think of a new video idea and I can't really think of anything.
And I tried asking my other friends but there busy.
Wow so I'm the second choice 😞
Shut up you know what I mean 😭
Lmao ik I was just messing wit you
But if you want we can call bc I'm about to drive.
Okay I'll call you right now
*incoming call from [mrflimflam]
Y-you A-Albert

A- can you hear me good?

Y- yes I can, anyways what ideas do you have right now.

A- nothing. I honestly can not think of anything

Y- hmmm well maybe you can play something other than roblox?

A- okay but what new games are out?

Y- well maybe you could play Minecraft? I don't know, I think your viewers would like that.

A- hmm okay but I don't wanna play alone.

Y- Maybe you should play with your friends.
You know like Dani, Denis, Kaden, temperist

A- how do you know all of them?

Y- maybe cuz I was watching your videos.

A- huh so you like my videos *laughs*

Y- shut up Albert *laughs*

A- but that sounds like a good idea, thank you by the way

Y- I know, I have them best ideas

A- so will you be playing with us?

Y- you want me to play?

A- ya I mean your the one who came up with the idea

Y- I would love to but ima be busy editing my video all day, then I'm gonna go to the beach with my friends.

A- oh okay then. But next time you'll play right

Y- sure *laughs*

A- okay good, and ima add you to a gc with everyone else so you can become friends with them.

Y- okay thanks, anyway I gotta go I'll call you later bozo

A- alright bye loser
*call ended*

I was happy that he invited me to play with him and his friends. Ever since we started this "drama" I have gained more fans.

I pulled into my parking spot and turned off my car. I walked inside my apartment and closed the door behind me. I walked to my room and began to edit my video.

I had been editing for about 2 hours. I had finished and uploaded it to YouTube. I put away my laptop and texted my friends asking if we would still be going to the beach later. They all said yes and that they would get me at 4:30.  I had plenty time to goof around so I decided to play roblox for a bit.

I went to my desk and waited for roblox to load.  Once I got in I noticed I had quit a few friend requests. I don't usually get many so I declined most of them until I noticed that Albert has added me. I accepted his friend request.

I decide I was gonna play chicken life for a bit just for fun. I joined my private server so my fans wouldn't join me.

I was playing for about ten minutes when I saw that someone had joined. I looked and saw albert had joined. I was confused but I didn't really care.

He was typing in the chat so I looked
<Mrflimflam> I thought you where busy
<Yn2kool> Uhh well I finished editing already.
<Mrflimflam> and what about the beach??
<Yn2kool> Oh um I'm not leaving until 4
<Mrflimflam> so you have time to play Minecraft then
<Yn2kool> ya I guess so
<Mrflimflam> okay good ima add you to a discord gc right now
He left the game and added me to a gc. The gc had Kaden, Dani, temprist, Denis, Jake and Albert. Everyone was talking about the Minecraft video they were gonna do
*1227 words*
Okay guys I've been making these chapters pretty long and I'm sorry if they seem kinda boring but the next chapter your gonna be playing Minecraft with everyone! But ima be posting that chapter either tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned!

My boy (Albert/Flamingo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now