21- Carnival

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Saturday, 11:45

The whole group was at lunch. Again I sat next to Albert, but this time Alyssa did not sit next to me. It was a little strange but I guess she was still a bit embarrassed from what happened last night.

Albert had planned a date at the carnival for us. But unfortunately the group heard us talking about the rides we were most excited to go on. We still didn't want to tell them that we were going on dates yet, so we said that everyone was going to the carnival! Alyssa agreed to keep out secret and help us hide it.

Time skip***

Alyssa and I were back at our room getting ready. Things were still a bit awkward between us. I tried to not mention anything and tried to act normal. It was a bit hard though because I never excepted it.

I did my makeup and hair. I changed into some tan Carhartt pants and a white t-shirt with a cool print. I then put on a white sweater with rhinestones on it. I paired it with some white Nikes.

When me and Alyssa were done getting ready we headed to the lobby to meet up with everyone and start walking to the Carnival.

I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Albert. He would be leaving on Monday which didn't give us much time together. We would be more than 2,000 miles apart from each other.

I decided I would show a bit affection to him but not to much as I didn't want everyone to suspect something between us. I was hoping today would be easy and I would get to spend time with Albert.

Time skip***

"JAKE YOU DON'T JUST PUSH SOMEONE INTO THE ROAD WHEN THERE IS LIKE 20 FUCKING CARS PASSING BY!!" Kaden yells while Jake and Albert begin to die laughing.

"Jake I swear to god if you kill my boyfriend i will not buy you anymore snacks" Raven says while making sure Kaden is okay.

The group is talking and laughing as we walk to the carnival. The walk was a bit long but it was Jake and Alberts choice to walk. By this point we were almost there. I could see a bunch of people walking by us as we were in one of the more popular areas.

I could hear music playing in the distance. I looked up and noticed a Farris Wheel! My excitement grew as we got closer. I loved carnivals so much, the games, the food, and overall the view you get from the top of the Farris Wheel.

"Alright everyone wait for a second here while I get your tickets." I said as I dug through my backpack for the tickets. Once I found them I passed them out. "Now kids make sure to be on your best behavior" I say jokingly.

"Whatever you say mom" Albert says in a sassy tone. I giggle a bit and smile at him. I can feel Alyssa still staring at us. I know she probably hasn't gotten over us as it has only been one day.

Time skip***

Everyone was looking around trying to decide what we should do first. "I'm hungryyy I want to eat food" Kaden cried. "Didn't we just have lunch?" Jake laughed. "Im hungry too! I could go for some funnel cake!" Temp said as he stood next to Kaden looking for the food trucks.

"I want to go into the mirror maze! It sounds so fun!" Raven said excitingly. "Ooo I've never been in a mirror maze that sounds so fun!" Alyssa said. They both begin to talk about how they both loved mazes.

"Okay well I want to go on the roller coasters!" Jake said. "Oh god I do not trust carnival roller coasters" I said as I looked at Jake. "Ohh don't be a wuss! Denis you'll go with me right!?" Jake said as he put one arm on Denis's shoulders. "Uhh I guess it would be fun" Denis said a bit unsure.

Albert and I looked at each other a smiled. "Maybe we should split up then? Kaden and Temp can grab food-" Albert said . "Raven and Alyssa could go into the mirror maze together!" I said, "And Jake and Denis can ride those untrustworthy rides!" Albert laughed

My boy (Albert/Flamingo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now