17- Going Live

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(Creds to urlocalitachisimp For the idea of this chapter!)

Thursday, 8:27am
After the stuff that happened yesterday with Albert I felt really bad. It's not like I didn't want to kiss him, in fact I really did want to kiss him. So I don't know why I didn't.

I was standing on the balcony, taking a few hits from my vape. The view was beautiful. We only have a few more days on this trip and than it's back to my boring life. And I still need to look for another part time

all the guys were at the convention. They decided to meet up with some friends and eat lunch with them. Leaving Alyssa, Raven, and I.

I felt bored so I decided to text Alyssa and ask if she wanted to go to the beach. She agreed and asked if we should invite Raven, I agreed and went to text her.


Hey Raven! It's yn!
Me and Alyssa were wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with us?

Hey yn! Ya I would love to go!

Okay great! You can get ready in our room if you'd like!

Sure sounds great! I'll head over now :)

Okay! Alyssa is going to the gas station to grabs some snacks and drinks
Anything you want?

Tell her to grab some gummy worms!

On it! c:

I texted Alyssa to let her know that Raven wanted some gummy worms. Then I cleaned the room a bit just so it looked nicer.

After a bit Alyssa can back with two bags. "I know I only had to walk across the street, but that was hard work" Alyssa said laughing while putting the bags on the desk. "What did you get?!" I said as I looked through the bags. "Oh you know the usual. Snacks, drinks, oh and alcohol!" She said smiling.

"Ooo you got the good stuff!" I said pulling out a bottle of Tito's when I heard Raven knock at the door. I went to answer the door. "Hi yn!!" Raven said with a smile. She had a bag which I guessed was her makeup bag.

I let her in and she set her stuff on the bed. "Oo let's play some music while we get ready! We wanna look good for the hot guys on the beach~~" Alyssa said pushing my shoulders.

"Shut up Alyssa I'm probably not even gonna kiss someone on this trip!" I say while smiling. "Wanna make a bet." Alyssa says while sitting on her bed. "Oo I want in on this bet, wait what are we even betting on?" Raven says sitting next to Alyssa.

"I bet that Y/n can, and will, kiss at least one guy or girl this trip." She says grinning from ear to ear. "Hm I don't know, I feel like she won't, no offense
Y/n, I'm saying she won't!" Raven says while thinking hard. Alyssa laughs and pulls $50 out of her wallet and places it on the side table. Raven copy's Alyssa and does the same.

"No way you guys are actually Betting on me?!" I say laughing "whatever I'm gonna get ready." "Oh ya we should get ready!" Raven says. We all pick a spot in the room and begin to get ready.

After I did my makeup and hair I changed into a blue two piece that had cute sharks on them. I put some shorts over the bottoms. Everyone had seen my scars already and didn't say anything, plus I knew that Alyssa already knew about them and she didn't judge. I just wasn't sure how others on the beach would feel about it.

I decided to put a black zip up on but leave it unzipped. I walked out and showed the girls my outfit. "So how do we like it!" I ask while doing some turns. "Ooo it's so cutee!" Raven said. "If Raven wasn't here right now I would have sex with you." Alyssa said, we started dying of laughter.

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