20- First Date /pt.2/

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We walk for a bit until we reach a cute little ice cream place. It was called Salt & Straw. I began to call Albert "Straw" as a joke. He then decided to call me "salt".

Once we got there we had to wait in a line for not to long. Once we were at the front of the line, Albert ordered Strawberry icecream with sprinkles. I ordered Mango icecream with gummy bears.

We grabbed our ice cream and walked to the beach close by. We sat on a bench and enjoyed our ice cream. I realized the sun was starting to set. I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures. I then told Albert to hold up his icecream next to mine in front of the sunset for a cute picture.

We finished our icecream and just continued to talk. I decided to put my head on his shoulder and just listen to him ramble on about his interests. Once it got dark we decided to grab an Uber back to the hotel.

As we were sitting in the back of the Uber I heard Albert say "y/n I really enjoyed today. And I hope you did too. I really hope we can go on another date together." We both looked at each other and I smiled. I then nodded and said "Albert, this date was wonderful and I can't wait for our next one." We both smiled at each other. I noticed his hand on the seat. I put mine on top of his.

He looked at our hands and smiled. He then began to hold my hand. Once we got to the hotel we had to stop holding hands. We didn't want to tell anyone yet so it was for the best.

Albert insisted on walking me back to my room. I agreed and as we walked we talked about more random things. I said bye to him and gave him a hug. He left and walked to his room.

I walked inside my room smiling. I noticed Alyssa wasn't here yet. I texted her to let her know I was back. I decided to take a shower.

Once I finished I went on to my balcony and took a few hits from my dab pen. I pulled out my phone and looked through the pictures I had taken throughout the date.

I truly had such a wonderful time with him. I replay the day over and over in my head. I think about us. The vacation is almost over. And he will go back to Florida. Then what.

I hear the door open. I look and see Alyssa. I get up and say hi. "Wow you look so happy! How was your day!?" She asks as she gives me a hug. I bite my tongue and think about what to say. "Oh it's was fun! Just had lunch with a friend."

I decided to go down to the front desk and grab some extra towels as we were running low. I leave my phone on my bed and head down to the front.

*Alyssa Pov*
As Y/n closes the door I quickly grab her phone. It's an on going joke that I often take goofy pictures on her phone. I take a few pictures and then go to her camera roll to see them. I scroll a bit far and see a picture of two icecream cones in front of the sunset.

I see the date, and notice they are from today. I decided to scroll through to see what she was up to. I see a picture of her and Albert together at a restaurant. I then see a video of Albert holding her, trying to help her skate.

Suddenly I feel my legs go weak. Did she go on a date, with Albert? If I'm honest I had been gaining some feelings for him. I always made comments on how I thought he was cute, and Y/n always thought they were jokes. And while they were simple joke, they were also real.

When I saw her and Albert kiss yesterday. It shattered my whole world. I thought that y/n didn't like him. But I guess it was a lie. Thats when it hit me.

Y/n lied to me about where she was today, who she was with, what she was doing. She was hiding this from me. Suddenly my jealousy began to mix with anger. How could she lie to me? We tell each other everything. And I mean everything. But then another thought hit me.

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