08- Mm2

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*time skip to a week later*
8:15 am

I woke up really early today, it was a Sunday so I didn't really have much to do today. As I got out of my bed and headed to the bathroom I felt like I was forgetting something. I kept thinking about it and I couldn't remember.

I took a cold shower and sat in the living room. I decided to watch the new video albert had posted. While I was looking for his channel I had remembered.

I got up from the couch and ran to my room. I went on to discord and messaged albert.
We still filming a video today?
Ya join me in like 15 minutes
Alright just don't be mad if you lose bucko 🤗
Grrr 😡
I smiled and decided I should get ready. I blow dried my hair and straightened it, I changed into some black jeans and wore a tan sweater with a nirvana logo on the back.

I did my makeup and then grabbed a coke from the fridge. I saw albert has messaged me
Join me women 😡
Joining rn 😒
I sent the message and joined albert on roblox. We were gonna play mm2 together. I spawned in the lobby on an alt account and saw many people. I walked around for a minute in the game until albert started a vc.

Once I got the notification that he was calling me I opened discord and answered it. "Are you in the game yet" I heard albert ask. "Yes I am I've been here" I say. "Where are you" albert asks

"Uhh I'm in place where you vote for the map" I say. I make my roblox character spin around for a bit until a noob walks in.

Me and albert where both using alt accounts as we didn't want his fans to keep flooding the game. "Are you the autistic one spinning around?" Albert asks laughing. I jokingly sigh and say "yes, I can't help that I'm a little autistic" I laugh.

We wait for the next round to load. While we where waiting I kept trying to get over the wall in the lobby. "Bro I can't get over this stupid wall" I say frustrated

"Shouldn't you be able to, I mean you did get over the border right?" Albert says laughing. I pause for a moment trying to process what he said "WHAT THE FUCK" I yell at him and then I begin to yell at him in Spanish.

Finally we get into the round and I'm the sheriff. "Ynnnn where are you" albert asked me while laughing. "Don't you dare come near me albert." I say walking around the map.

I hear albert giggling. "Why are you laughing?" I asked. He didn't answer me and just continued to laugh.

I turned my character around and saw him. "GET AWAY ALBERT GET AWAY" I yelled into my mic while I tried to run away. I remembered I had the gun. I went into first person mode and turned around.

I took out my gun and began to laugh. I shot albert three times before I finally hit him. Music started playing which signified that I had won.

"NO WHAT THATS NOT FAIR" albert yelled into his mic. I started to laugh. Me and Albert played a few more rounds before we decided to get off.

"I told you not to get mad if I won" I said and laughed "shut the fuck up yn" albert says, I laugh. "Alright ima go" I say "okay I'll text you later then" I ended the call and leaned back in my chair.

I had gained a lot more popularity since I posted the Minecraft video with albert. I could just imagine all the money I would get from this video.

Me and albert where still keeping up the act of "hating" each other on twitter. People went feral when we posted the Minecraft video so I could just imagine how they would act when we posted this video.
*680 words*
Sorry this is a short chapter, it's like 3am currently. Also sorry I haven't updated In a while, I've been dealing with some mental health shit but I'm back! I start school next week so I will be posting a new chapter every Saturday! And also thank you for everyone who has been commenting and voting!!
Love you all sm 💕

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