12- Stuck

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I was doing my makeup while listening to music with Alyssa. We were going to a really nice restaurant to eat dinner. Alyssa was ready but I wasn't. I was doing my lashes when I got a text from Albert.
Are you guys almost ready?
Alyssa is but I'm not yet
Oh cuz everyone is leaving right now
But I'm not leaving till later bc I'm not ready yet
Oh okay
Alyssa said she's gonna leave with everyone else, so ig I'll leave later with you
Okay I'll go to your room when I'm ready
I said bye to Alyssa and finished getting ready. After a few minutes I finished my makeup and took a few pictures.

I was waiting for a while when I got a knock at my door. I opened it and saw albert. I smiled a let him in. "Finally your ready to go, you took forever" I said jokingly. We headed to the elevator to head to the lobby.

We were joking around when we heard a loud noise. I became quiet. The elevator came to a stop. I gripped onto the rails tightly. I looked around worried. "What just happened.?" I asked Albert. "I think the elevator stopped." He said jokingly.

He walked towards the buttons and tried to see if any of them would work. He clicked the call button but nothing happened. "Let's hope we don't die in her he said jokingly. I tried to fake laugh but all I could do was grip the rails harder.

Albert looked at me and noticed how scared I was. He walked over to me. "Hey are you okay?" He asked. I didn't say anything. He walked over to the corner and sat down. He patted a spot next to him.

I slowly walked over and sat next to him. "Hey I'm gonna call 911 okay. Well been fine don't worry," he said smiling. He took out his phone and dialed 911. He talked for a bit and then put his phone away.

"They said that they'll be here in 20 minutes okay?" I smiled and nodded. "The lady told us to stay put until the fire department comes to open the door." He said.

We sat in silence for a bit until Albert pulled out his phone. "Do you wanna play roblox?" He looked at me smiling. "Mhm!" I replied. I pulled out my phone and joined his game. We started playing a two player obby.

"NO ALBERT YOU NEED TO STAY ON THE BUTTON UNTIL I FINISH CROSSING!!" I yelled while he began to laugh. "It's not my fault!" He said back. "Okay I'll tell you when I'm finished crossing- NO YOU BITCH IM GONNA KILL YOU" I yelled while laughing. "LOSER" Albert yelled at me. "YOU BITCH" I yelled while I shoved him with my elbow.

After a few minutes we heard people coming towards the elevator. We then heard the doors begin to open. We stand up and put our phones away. "Hey guys stay put until the doors are fully opened and we'll help you out" one of the fire men say, I could see a bit of his hair through the tiny opening of the door.

After about two minutes they got the doors open and we were able to get out. They made sure we weren't hurt. After that a few repair men came and began to fix the elevator.

"Hey do you still want to go out to dinner?" Albert asked. "I don't know man, I'm pretty tired" I said lightly laughing.
"That's fine, if you want we can head back to my room and order food?" I nodded my head and we walked back to his room.
*627 words*
Hey guys, I know it's been quit a while since I updated this story and I am so sorry. I've been really busy with school and my mental health. I really love this story and want to continue writing but also I don't know how consistent I can be with uploading. But also I feel like I might speed this story up. Just lmk what you guys think, love you all 🤍🤍

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