10- Meeting irl

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Tuesday/6:00 am

I woke up really early. We were going to drive for about 5 hours. Laid in bed staring at the ceiling for about 10 minutes before getting up. I walked out of my room and decided to take a shower.

After my shower I grabbed my suitcase that was in the back of my closet. It was a simple black plastic suitcase. It's a good size, not to big but not to small. I grabbed my phone to check how the weather would be like.

We were going to be there for about a week. I always packed extra clothes just in case. I brought 5 outfits that I could wear really anywhere. I packed two dresses, both of them were meant to be worn to the club but they could work for fancy dinners too. I packed three swim suit, even though I probably wouldn't wear them. I brought four pairs of pajamas.

I only brought three pairs of shoes, black converse, black slides, and black heels. I also packed all of my toiletries and makeup I would be bringing.

7:03 am
I had finally finished packing and decided to make sure Alyssa was awake. I opened her door and noticed that she had just finished packing as well.

I decided that I would start getting ready as we would be leaving in an hour. I wore some grey sweat pants and a black crop top. I brushed and straightened my hair. I did a small amount of makeup as I wanted to look nice but I didn't want to wear a full face.

7:46 am
Alyssa and I were finished doing everything we needed. I texted my friend to make sure that she was coming over to watch Teddy. I said bye to teddy, me and Alyssa began to put our stuff into my car.

We hopped in and began our 6 hour long drive. We made a quick stop at Starbucks to get some coffee and breakfast.

"So yn are you excited to meet albert?" Alyssa asks. "Uh ya I guess so." I say laughing "so be honest with me, do you like him?" Alyssa asks me. I stay silent for a moment "I do not like him, we are just friends and that's all." I say

"Hmm okay. Well I think you'd be cute together." Alyssa says shrugging. I roll my eyes an laugh. "Why do you say that?" I ask her. "Have you not seen the edits?" "Edits? What do you mean??"

Alyssa grabs her phone and goes on to tiktok. She searches something and then hands me the phone. The video is a ship edit of me and Albert. I laugh when the video is over. "What the fuck was that" I laugh again.

2:23 pm
After making multiple stops we finally made it to our hotel. We got settled in, Alyssa took a nap as she was really tired. I was going to take a nap as well but then albert texted me.
Are you in La yet?
Ya we just got here rn
Oh okay, My plane is gonna be landing soon so ima be at my hotel soon.
What hotel are you staying at??
It's called the four seasons I think?
Oh shit no way im pretty sure that's the same one we're staying at 😟
It's in Beverly Hills right??
Ya that's the one we're in lmao 😭
Damn so now I gotta be in the same hotel as you 😒🙄
Stfu I know your happy 🥱
I don't think so 🙄
Mhm we'll see abt that 😒
I gotta go We're landing rn
Alr don't die 🙏
I turned off my phone and smiled. "Ooo who were you texting~" Alyssa asks. I jumped when I hear her. "Shit Alyssa you scared me, but I was texted albert, his plane is landing right now."

I look at Alyssa and she's smiling. "Why are you smiling" I ask while laughing. "You can't tell me you don't like him, you literally smile every time you text or call him" she says smiling even harder. "Oh my god shut uppp" I say rolling my eyes.

*time skip to when Albert gets to the hotel*
2:48 pm
[Alberts pov]
I give the valet my keys and he drives off to go and park my car. I walk into the lobby and look around. I head to the front desk to check in.

"Good afternoon sir, what can I do for you today?" The lady at the front desk says smiling. "I'm here to check in" I reply. "Okay! Can I get your last name?"

"It's Artez" I say, "okay.. Albert correct?" She asks. "Yup that's me." I say and laughs little. "Okay can I just see and Id and then I'll give you your key"

I reach into my back pocket to find my wallet. I take out my id and hand it to her. She checks it and then hands it back to me. She hands me my key and I begin to head to the elevator.

I decided to let yn know that I was at the hotel.
Hey I just got to the hotel
Okay, I can go down to the lobby and meet you there if you want?
Okay 👍
Alr I'll be down there in a minute.
I find a bench and take a seat. While I was waited I messaged denis to ask when he would get here.

I waited for about 2 minutes. I was a bit nervous as this would be the first time I was going to be seeing yn in real life. I knew what she looked like as I had watched a few of her videos and seen some of her Instagram posts.

I looked around trying to find her. It was a little hard as there were many people in the lobby. I decided to get up from the bench and walk around.

I had my back turned when I heard a voice yell my name. "ALBERT!!" I turned around and saw her.

[Yn pov]
I quickly put on my shoes and started walking to the elevator. I was a bit nervous. It would be pretty easy to find albert, I had seen his face many times.

He was a brunette with brown eyes. He was really fit, often times when we would call I could notice his muscles even when he wasn't trying to show them off.

I got down to the lobby and looked around. I wasn't sure where he was or what he was wearing. There were also many people in the lobby which would make this a lot harder.

I wondered around for a while, I felt like a lost puppy. I stopped for a moment as I thought I saw albert. The guy had his back turned to it was a bit hard to tell. Then he turned around and faced me.

It was obvious that he could not see me but I definitely saw him. He turned his back to me. I decided to yell his name "ALBERT!!" He turned around until he finally noticed me.

I waved my hand and walked up to him. "Yn!" Albert said. "Hey Albert! How was your flight??" I said while smiling.

He was honestly really cute. I could tell even when I only saw him through videos or pictures but in person he's just stunning.

Me and him talked for a bit for we decided to head to our rooms. Alyssa and I were sharing a room, Albert and Denis were sharing, Jake and temp were sharing. Kaden brought his girlfriend Raven so they would be sharing a room.
*1297 words*
Hey loves! Sorry for not updating the story for a while, my mental health is really crazy right now. But I'm going to still try and upload once a week. Also 600 READS?? That's literally so crazy tysm it means so much to me 😭 Also i started school this week and I literally can't wait until this year is over, I'm in my last year of high school so I'm ready for this year to finish 😭 Also if your still reading this comment your favorite artist/bands and or your favorite songs! Have a good day loves❤️

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