18- Snack Run

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Friday, 2:26am

I was pacing around the room not knowing what to do. "Y/n calm down its not that bad, I mean at least it was on your good side!" Alyssa says laughing at her own joke.

I stop walking around and smile. "I know it's not a big deal, I don't care that the fans saw. It's just me and Albert aren't anything yet. It was just a kiss you know." I sat as I take a seat on my bed.

"I get it but he 100% will ask you out, but for now you just have to wait." Alyssa says. I look at her and a thought comes to my head. "W-what if he doesn't ask me out. Then what. Alyssa I didn't realize it until now but I like him, a lot. And I don't know what I would do if our friend ship gets messed up because of my stupid feelings." I put my head in my hands and sigh.

"Y/n calm down please. Listen I get you are stressed, but look on the bright side, I just won $50! You know how many disposable you could buy with that!" Alyssa says holding up her freshly earned $50. I look up at her and smile. "Your right, I'm not gonna let this ruin our vacation. Let's go to the gas station." I get up and put on my slippers.

*Time skip to the gas station*

As I walk in the cold air hits me like a wave. I look at the cashier. She's young, probably in her early 20s, she looks tired. Big bags around her eyes. Her head is resting on her hand.

We walk to the freezer and grab a tub of ice cream. We then grab a case of beers for ourselves. As we walk up to the front I noticed a cute keychain, it had names on it. I decided that I wanted to get one for everyone in the group as a gift. I found everyone's name except for temp so I grabbed one that said Shawn and got it.

By the time I got to the cashier Alyssa had already checked out. I laid the keychains on the counter. "Just this please!" I said with a slight smile. "Alright and with you be paying with cash or card-" the cashier suddenly stops and her eyes light up as she looks at me. "Oh my god I'm sorry but are you Y/n!?"

"Oh um ya I am!" I say laughing. "Wow um hi sorry I just love your voice I watch them all the time." Suddenly her mood goes from zero to one hundred "oh wow thank you so much I really appreciate it!" I smile. "I'm sorry to ask but can I please get a picture with you!" I nod my head and she pulls out her phone.

"Oh here let me take it!" Alyssa says as she grabs the phone. The girl slightly leans over the counter to be closer to me. I do a Peace sign and smile. "Oh my god thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me!"

"Oh right I wanted to ask, um I saw the live earlier and I wanted to know if you and Albert were dating?" As she finishes her sentence I look at Alyssa. "Oh um I'm actually not sure." I say quietly. "Oh well uh sorry to bother you, have a good night." She says as she hands me the bag full of key chains.

I smile at the girl and begin to walk out with Alyssa. We talk as we walk back to the hotel.

*in the room*

I was looking for a movie on the tv when I heard Alyssa say something. "What did you say?" I asked as I couldn't make it out. "Um Yn there are edits.." Alyssa said as she passed me her phone.

I saw an edit someone made of me and Albert. The song bubble gum by clario was playing in the background. I admit the edit was good but I was shocked. They we're pretty fast to make them.

I didn't say anything and passed the phone back to Alyssa. I then pulled out my phone and went on to tiktok. I was tagged in many edits of me and Albert. I kept watching them. I feel like I had watched every edit that was made of me and Albert.

I felt embarrassed, but every time I watched an edit I felt butterflies. I did like Albert. A lot. And I was sure he felt the same, but would he express them to me? I didn't want to date him yet.

Don't get me wrong I really do like him, but I only met him a few weeks ago. I want to go on a few dates, I want to know him more, I want to know that he is the one. And I hope he understands.

I decided I would text him, he stays up pretty late so he should be awake.


Can we talk?

Ya ofc
And btw I'm sorry if my fans bother you

Oh no they aren't
But I wanted to say that I'm not exactly sure how you feel about me, but I know that I like you. A lot.

Y/n I like you too
A lot

But we've only known each other for a few weeks
And I feel like I need to get to know you better yk

Ya that makes sense
What if we went on a date?
It would be my treat :)

Ya okay that sounds good C:
When is good for you?

How about tmr?
We can go grab lunch together
And then do something fun after?

Ya sure that sounds good <:
Just lmk what time

Okay Y/n I'll see you
And be up early tmr
We're gonna grab breakfast with the group

Goodnight Albert C:

Goodnight Y/n :)

I put my phone down and smiled. "Hey Alyssa I'm actually feeling kind of tired, I think I'm gonna go to bed." I say as I begin to get my bed ready. "You seem like your in a better mood, what happened?" Alyssa asks "oh um I don't know" I say as I get in bed.

I did know. I have a date tomorrow. The butterflies in my stomach just got worse. Even thinking about tomorrow makes me nervous. I'm glad he isn't like other guys, and I know he isn't like that.

I close my eyes and begin to drift to sleep as I think of tomorrow.
*1110 words*
Guys I am so sorry this is kinda a filler chapter, but I am currently working on the next one. So expect the next chapter in the next few days. I am so excited for you to read the next chapter, I am halfway done as you are reading this. Anyway I hope you all had an amazing New Years! And I hope you have a great year!🤍🦩 (comment your New Years resolution!)

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