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After sending Jiang Chenming out, Mo Lingqiu walked into the bathroom and prepared his bath water. The stickiness of the sweat produced all over his body made him feel very uncomfortable.

When he sat into the bathtub and as the warm water shrouded his body, Mo Lingqiu breathed a long sigh of relief.

Too many things happened tonight and he did not have the time to clear up his mind. Now, the faint aroma of orange from the shampoo made his whole body relax and his mind became much clearer.

Being influenced and going into heat after he merely encountered an alpha during a night jog was something that he did not expect. This was because the inhibitors for omegas he used were not sold in markets publicly, they were long-term inhibitors developed by his parents.

Mo Lingqiu’s parents are outstanding national researchers, they mainly do research about pheromones. As they were not at home most of the time, Mo Lingqiu was more independent and obedient than others who were at the same age since he was young.

The advantage of long-term inhibitors was that using it once a year would cause omega’s heat that happens once in every three months to turn into once every year. However, the duration of the heat would not change, it would stay for seven days just like heats that occurred once in every three months.

After Mo Lingqiu classified in his eighteen, he had been using this long-term inhibitor. The only strange thing was that his heat did not occur at all in these eleven years.

At first, his parents were worried that there were issues in his body, but after observing for a long time, everything was normal. His pheromones had no issue as well, so they just treated it as an exception and conjectured that it might be something related to the differences in physique.

Today’s heat made him realize that an omega in heat would only want to satisfy his own sexual desires and followed his own beastly instinct. If not because of his strong willpower, he might have pulled Jiang Chenming down with him.

When he thought of this, Mo Lingqiu’s dull gaze shifted for a moment,  he placed his arm into the warm water that was initially by the bathtub, he then murmured softly, “… Jiang Chenming was fine.”

Jiang Chenming who also experienced an unexpected night took a taxi back to school, he dashed into the school’s dorm one second before the dorm’s curfew so he was teased by the female dorm keeper if he went out to meet his girlfriend.

Jiang Chenming rubbed his head and found a reason for himself, “The field was under maintenance, I went out for a run and accidentally went too far.” And I almost could not come back for the night.

Of course, he only dared to think the last sentence in his heart.

The beta dorm keeper felt funny and laughed, “You’re training every day, that’s why those omegas like you, one drawer is not enough to keep the love letters that I helped you to receive.”

Before Jiang Chenming realized, his arms were filled with love letters that the dorm keeper gave him. Some were kept in envelopes, and some were not, they were only simply folded, but lots of pheromones were mingling in the pile of love letters.

The dorm keeper was a beta, so it was normal for her to be unable to smell anything out. But Jiang Chenming was a high-grade alpha, his senses were much more sensitive than the others, he only felt repulsive towards the mingling pheromones, he could not resist to take it further away from him.

“Thank you auntie, I’ll go back to my room first.” Jiang Chenming greeted goodbye hurriedly and ran back to his room.

University A was a unisex university, so there were alpha, beta and omega students. However, the dorm was divided according to genders in order to protect the students.

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