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Translator: Rin    Editor: Amber.es

After the two arrived home, Jiang Chenming was watched by Mo Lingqiu as he entered the room and got into bed.

Jiang Chenming had half-jokingly been saying that if Mo Lingqiu was not around, he would not be able to sleep.

Mo Lingqiu had no way to deal with how he acted.  He could only sit beside the table, reading a book as he waited for him to fall asleep.

Jiang Chenming was probably really tired. Not long after he laid on the bed, he fell asleep. Mo Lingqiu glanced at him, put down the book and quietly left the guest room.

After returning to his own room, Mo Lingqiu made a phone call to his own mother. Han Ying quickly answered.

“Son, I just finished talking to Pan Zhe’s parents.” Neither good nor bad vibes could be heard from Han Ying’s tone. “You met up with Pan Zhe already?”

“I met him this afternoon.” Mo Lingqiu told the truth.

“Did he say something to you? His parents came running to apologize to me.”

“… Oh.” Mo Lingqiu almost thought his mother was going to say that Pan Zhe’s parents had come to get even with Han Ying.

“What?” Han Ying finally laughed out loud. “You don’t believe your mother?”

“No.” Mo Lingqiu roughly described what happened in the afternoon.

As expected, the next second, Han Ying began to fire out crazily. She first said that how Pan Zhe was bad, she shouldn’t introduce him to Mo Lingqiu in the first place and so on.

Mo Lingqiu listened to her talking energetically for about ten minutes and finally stopped before saying, “Mom, I’ve already rejected him and deleted him from my friend list.”

“That’s good, there can’t be a future with him!”

“… It never started in the first place,” Mo Lingqiu corrected.

Han Ying kept nodding. “That’s right, it never started, you can’t let such a person affect your life.”

“I won’t.”

“Then date Xiao Jiang properly.”

“Okay.” Mo Lingqiu replied absent-mindedly. After he answered, he realized that something was wrong, but it was too late to change his words. His mother was laughing wildly  from the other end of the phone.

“Indeed, today Pan Zhe complained to his parents that there was a very ugly Alpha who went over to pick you up. He said that he was short and stupid looking, and claimed to be your boyfriend, saying that you had a particularly poor taste.” However, Han Ying was not unhappy when she said this.”I thought for sure it was Xiao Jiang, a tall and handsome high-grade Alpha. He’s so many times better than that Pan Zhe guy.”

Mo Lingqiu sighed. “Mom, keep your voice down. Aren’t Pan Zhe’s parents working in the same research institute as you?”

“Don’t worry, they are also educating their own son.” Han Ying glanced at Pan Zhe’s father who was scolding and swearing loudly into the phone not far away from her. She felt great. “You and Xiao Jiang date properly alright. You’ve promised me and you can’t go back on your words.”

Even if it wasn’t true, Mo Lingqiu also had no words to refute. He could only let his mother’s words go in one ear and out the other.

After that, Han Ying talked to him about some of her own experiences when she was in her own relationships, taking the matter Mo Lingqiu said as something real.

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