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As the metallic-grey car drove towards University A, Jiang Chenming looked at the school gate that was getting closer, he felt embarrassed if Mo Lingqiu sent him in.

“Teacher Mo, it’s okay to just put me off at the school gate.”

“Which dormitory are you living in?” Mo Lingqiu drove slower.

“Block No.21.” Jiang Chenming was afraid that Mo Lingqiu was unclear about where it is, he explained more, “It’s at the school clinic’s upstairs.”

“Is it convenient for you to move out? If it’s inconvenient…” Mo Lingqiu thought for a while and felt that moving out of the dorm was not really appropriate for a student, since he’s a teacher, he still knew the principles of being a teacher.

Although the instability of his heat period was quite a problem… Bao Wen did not say that he could not use the normal inhibitors, he could try it first.

“I’m comfortable with that.” Jiang Chenming interrupted Mo Lingqiu, “I initially wanted to ask if you want to live at my place, but I think it’s too far and it will be inconvenient for you to commute to work.”

Mo Lingqiu did not say anything, he still faintly remembered the night that he went into heat for the first time, Jiang Chenming asked the driver to drop them at ‘Shi Hao Garden’. It is a place where even rich families might not be able to purchase a house there, connections and social status were needed as well.

“Teacher Mo.” Jiang Chenming noticed that Mo Lingqiu didn’t say anything, so he called him daringly again.

Mo Lingqiu stopped the car near the school gate, “What’s wrong?”

“Teacher Mo, do you have anything going on tonight?”

“No.” As he had made an appointment with Bao Wen to get his medical check-up report today, so he had completed his work in the daytime.

“Let’s go for dinner then? I’ll pay for you.” Jiang Chenming thought if they were going to live together, it would be better if they started with a meal.

Mo Lingqiu took a glance at the school gate in front of him, and averted his gaze towards the lively food street not too far away, he then nodded, “Where?”

Jiang Chenming saw his chance and suggested, “There’s a nice skewer shop, do you wanna go?”

“We’ll drive there?” Mo Lingqiu asked again.

“It’s just in the food street in front, it may be… inconvenient to drive.”

The small food street is the only lively place to eat nearby University A. When students are getting bored with the school’s cafeteria, they will find some new food in the food street. As the meals sold here are in big portions and cheap, it is favored by many students. It’s even popular at night. The road itself is not wide and everyone walks through the street, it is definitely impossible to drive through it.

Mo Lingqiu had gone to the food street a few times and understood about it quite well, “Then I’ll drive my car to the parking lot.”

Jiang Chenming suddenly remembered that he was still wearing his basketball attire, he quickly said, “Teacher, I’ll get out of the car here. I’ll need to go back and change my clothes. Let’s meet at the school gate?”

Mo Lingqiu looked at what he was wearing and remembered that he was suddenly brought to the clinic because of him, he then nodded his head. After Jiang Chenming got his permission, he immediately got out of the car and ran back to his dorm.

Only Fatty was in the dorm, when he saw Jiang Chenming rushing back, he asked, “Eh? Didn’t you go on a date?”

“Who did you get that news from?” Jiang Chenming took off his basketball attire swiftly and threw it into the laundry basket, he took a set of clean clothes and walked towards the bathroom.

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