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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

“Hurry up, your Brother Jiang is here!”

On the food street next to University A, a restaurant was bustling with the noise from a group of grown-up boys. Dispersed through the group were the beautiful Omega boyfriends and girlfriends of some of the group members.

The arrival of Jiang Chenming and Mo Lingqiu made the bustling atmosphere in the restaurant even more lively—especially the arrival of Mo Lingqiu. Because it was his first time participating in a group activity organised by the students, the atmosphere reached a small climax.

“Sit here! These seats are specially reserved for you.” A guy who had a good relationship with Jiang Chenming beckoned, pointing to the two empty seats beside him.

“Thanks.” Jiang Chenming high-fived him in greeting, pulled out a chair, and sat down with Mo Lingqiu. “Teacher Mo, this is my roommate from when I lived in the dorm, the youngest in our dorm. We all call him Lao Si.1“

“Teacher Mo, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Lao Si wasn’t tall; he was a Beta and had a relatively delicate look.

“Hi Teacher Mo.” There was an Omega girl sitting next to Lao Si—his girlfriend.

There were quite a lot of BO paired couples. Because not everyone could meet their fated Alpha, they would choose someone they liked, and who suited them the most in that moment, rather than wait.

“Hey guys.” After going with Jiang Chenming to the hospital, Mo Lingqiu had gone home and put on a pair of gold-framed glasses, adding a touch of nobility to his whole image.

“We live in an Alpha dorm. Lao Si moved in later than us, but we have a good relationship. We’re both on the basketball team and we play 1-on-1 a lot.” Jiang Chenming was sincere with his friends, and his relationship with Lao Si was indeed as good as he said, “Teacher Mo, even though he looks small, he’s very skilled at dribbling. I can’t compete with him.”

“What do you mean I’m small? Tell ye clearly2.” Lao Si hit Jiang Chenming with his elbow, very dissatisfied.

“It’s true that he’s quite small.” Lao Si’s girlfriend covered her mouth and laughed, not giving him face at all.

Everyone around erupted into laughter when they heard her.

Jiang Chenming stopped joking around and lifted a cup to toast Lao Si. “Come on, let’s have a toast.”

“It’s okay, I forgive you,” Lao Si said, happily clinking their glasses together.

“Teacher Mo, eat more,” Jiang Chenming said, giving him two pieces of black pepper ribs.

“Thanks.” Mo Lingqiu was indeed hungry, but, since he was eating out, he was very careful about his behaviour.

Jiang Chenming knew his personality, so he kept using his long hands to his advantage and helped pick up some of the delicious meals on the table.

Everyone there, including the people sitting at Mo Lingqiu’s table, had all been on the basketball team for a long time, and were fairly established, so they were very familiar with each other.

“Teacher Mo, does Jiang Chenming usually talk a lot?” asked the captain of the team, who was sitting directly across from Mo Lingqiu.

Mo Lingqiu glanced at Jiang Chenming beside him and replied, “Not really.”

The captain laughed. “He talks a lot with us. He must have been restraining himself in front of you. Maybe he’s afraid that you’ll kick him away.”

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