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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

When they returned to the Jiang family’s home, their New Year’s Eve dinner was almost prepared. The dining room’s long table was covered with all kinds of dishes that looked not only hearty, but delicious. For the first time, Mo Lingqiu could tell at a glance that the family’s chef had outstanding skills.

“Are all these people in your family not going home for New Years?” Mo Lingqiu asked softly.

The Jiang family had quite a few servants: the gardener, responsible for the large lawn; the chef, responsible for cooking; and the housekeeper, Uncle Yu. In addition to the usual hourly workers, there were four or five people who lived in the house on a fixed basis.

“They’re not going home. They’re all orphans,” Jiang Chenming explained. “My father invested in several orphanages. My father has funded many children from the moment they entered the orphanage and throughout their schooling. After they graduate, they can choose their own employment, but many of them come to my house to apply for a job.”

Mo Lingqiu could probably guess at the reason why those people came looking for jobs. They either wanted to repay the kindness or they knew that the salary for Jiang family workers was generally higher—just the two drivers had a five figure monthly salary. The housekeeper, Uncle Yu, had been with the family for decades. His monthly salary definitely pushed him towards the wealthy class, as opposed to employees of ordinary businesses.

“My dad also chooses people. He arranges for the ones who don’t get accepted at the house to work at the company, if they have good qualifications.” Jiang Chenming thought for a second. “My secretary that you met today was raised in an orphanage.”

“That’s very good.”

The most taboo thing a rich person could do was keep only money in their eyes and turn away from other important things. As a wealthy man, Jiang Chenming’s father, Jiang Zhongzhen, would still put his constant everyday flow of money to good use and help those in need. When those people grew up, most of them would certainly appreciate Jiang Zhongzhen’s contributions and return it wholeheartedly. Even though it wasn’t all one hundred percent of them, it was enough.

“There are a lot of people at my family’s company who come from orphanages, and I consider them close friends, too.” Jiang Chenming was quite satisfied that the company was formed that way.

“En.” Mo Lingqiu could completely understand.

“Come and eat.” Chen Shan came out of her room, saw that the New Year’s Eve dinner was ready, and called everyone to come and eat.

It was a day for all the members of the Jiang family to sit around the table for a meal. Mo Lingqiu and Jiang Chenming sat on the right side, Jiang Junshen sat next to Jiang Chenming, and Jiang Zhongzhen and Chen Shan naturally sat in the main seats. The rest of the seats were taken up by Uncle Yu and the others.

While Mo Lingqiu ate, he took some time to carefully observe everyone. The masters of the Jiang family didn’t put on airs and the servants weren’t nervous either. The two groups had the most equal relationship he had ever seen.

“Uncle Yu, the kid you mentioned last time… Is he still in A City these days?” Since Jiang Chenming already had a partner, and had even brought him home, Chen Shan had been thinking about Jiang Junshen’s love life.

“Yes.” Uncle Yu nodded. “He’s living at the house he rented.”

“It’s too sad to be alone during New Years. What about asking him to come over and play tomorrow?” Chen Shan asked, glancing at Jiang Junshen who had buried his head in his rice.

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