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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign

The meeting with Mo Lingqiu’s parents lasted until the afternoon. The four parents made a trip to the large, vast villa and garden outside and had dinner in the evening together.

Chen Shen had originally arranged for the family’s driver to send Han Ying and the others back home, but Mo Lingqiu intervened.

“Let me send them back. It just so happens that I want to buy something with my parents,” Mo Lingqiu said seriously after exchanging glances with Jiang Chenming.

“That’s also okay, Lingqiu,” Chen Shan said. “Will you stay at home tonight? Or here?”

“I’m going back for the night to rest. Plus, Chenming hasn’t seen you guys in a long time.” Mo Lingqiu’s words were extremely considerate; Chen Shan was pleased and thought his plan was all right.

If it were the past, Jiang Chenming would have followed Mo Lingqiu home, but today, he didn’t. Not only did he not follow, but he also spoke up, saying one more sentence: “Seems I get to spend more time with my parents.”

“Let’s go send them off together,” Chen Shan said, standing up.

The four Jiang family members escorted Mo Lingqiu and his family all the way to the car before watching the silver car drive away. Then they returned to the house.

As soon as the door closed, Chen Shan’s head whipped around. “Jiang Junshen, you’d better explain what happened today.”

Jiang Chenming’s expression showed no surprise; this was as expected. The reason he hadn’t followed after Mo Lingqiu was because he wanted to stay behind to help his brother. Otherwise, with his brother’s stubborn personality, good things might’ve been poorly described as bad things, or they might’ve been misunderstood by his parents.

“Explain what?” In some ways, Jiang Junshen was really insensitive; he knew that his mother was referring to the Omega pheromones on his body, but he didn’t think there was anything to explain.

“Why do you smell like Omega pheromones? And why did you go to the maternity ward?!” Chen Shan’s voice was becoming louder and louder. “You didn’t learn from those second-generation rich young masters to play Omegas and get them pregnant, right?”

“Mom,” Jiang Chenming quickly said, interrupting her words. “it’s not that you’re not clear about what kind of person my brother is.”

“It’s precisely because I’m clear that I’m afraid that he’s under too much pressure at work and choosing the wrong way to release it.” To Chen Shan, this was a very serious issue.

“Tell me clearly. What happened?” Jiang Zhongzhen asked from where he was sitting on the sofa. His tone was still calm.

Jiang Junshen was about to open his mouth to speak, but Jiang Chenming rushed to interrupt him. “Brother is in a serious relationship. He didn’t go play around with Omegas.”

Jiang Chenming’s overly determined attitude clued Chen Shan into the fact that things might not be that simple. “How do you know? Don’t speak for your brother.”

“No.” Jiang Chenming was helpless. “Actually, that Omegas was introduced to him by me and Teacher Mo.”

“When did that happen?” Chen Shan was stunned. Jiang Junshen and that Omega’s relationship had progressed to the point of entering the maternity ward, so the Omega must be pregnant.

Jiang Chenming glanced at Jiang Junshen who was as unresponsive as always. He told the truth. “…During the New Year.”

Chen Shan froze. It had only been three months since then—so unexpectedly fast.

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