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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign

As the weather gradually became warmer, the travel vouchers Jiang Chenming had obtained were approaching their use date.

“Let’s pick a time to go on the trip, okay?” Jiang Chenming had a lot of free time. As long as he didn’t have class, he could travel anytime to anywhere. It all depended on when Mo Lingqiu would be free.

“You don’t have to go with your teammates, right?” Mo Lingqiu asked again with uncertainty.

“No need.” Jiang Chenming had already prepared an application and they could use the travel voucher to travel any time it was still valid.

The travel voucher gave them a designated place to visit. It included some of the entrance fees for the attractions and would also help subsidize the cost for accommodations and meals if they went with a tour group. But Jiang Chenming didn’t care about such a small amount of money; it was more comfortable to travel and have fun with people he liked.

“Qingming Festival?” Mo Lingqiu asked after thinking for a bit. It was the only holiday available so soon.

“All right. It just so happens that I don’t have class on the day before and the day after the Festival.” After thinking about it, Jiang Chenming realized he could take five days off for himself. It was a huge bargain. 

Mo Lingqiu looked at his calendar where the column for the Qingming Festival was still empty. He nodded. “I’m free, too.”

“Then I’ll hurry up and book us a flight and a hotel.” Jiang Chenming sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and began to buy tickets.

Of course, since they were traveling during the Qingming Festival, flight tickets were more expensive, but Jiang Chenming paid without hesitation, and even booked them first class tickets so they could be comfortable. As for the hotel, he wasn’t as decisive as he had been with the flight tickets. He carefully compared the layouts of several hotels and the rooms and even called his two top choices to consult with them briefly. He ultimately picked the one with the private hot spring pools.

Mo Lingqiu wasn’t paying attention to the hotel that had been booked, and he didn’t even know the price. He only heard Jiang Chenming tell him it was done.

“Teacher Mo, we’ll leave the morning before the Festival. We can play around for four days and then come back in the afternoon on the last day.”

“Okay.” Mo Lingqiu didn’t have any objections.

After arranging the trip, the two of them were eager for the day to come. After all, it was the first time they would be traveling together—and with their new relationship identity.

The night before their departure, Mo Lingqiu packed up his things and sat on the sofa to watch TV.

Jiang Chenming stuffed the last of his clothes into his suitcase. “Teacher Mo, it seems like you haven’t gone into heat for a while.”

At his remark, Mo Lingqiu’s hand tightened around the remote control. If Jiang Chenming hadn’t mentioned it, he really would’ve forgotten that several months had passed since his last heat.

“…Bao Wen didn’t say there was anything abnormal.” After the New Year, Mo Lingqiu and Jiang Chenming had gone to Bao Wen for another medical checkup and the test results were all good.

Jiang Chenming’s pheromone repulsion was not strong in the first place. When he went for that checkup, it was confirmed that it was cured. Meanwhile, Mo Lingqiu’s pheromone rejection was also not that strong, to the point of not affecting his life. As long as he didn’t have much contact with other Alphas, he would basically be fine.

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