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Translator: Rin    Editor: Amber.es

Pan Zhe was so appalled by the sudden appearance of Jiang Chenming that he couldn’t speak for a while. He knew well that this alpha was so much stronger than himself. Those pheromones alone could oppress him to the point he could barely speak.

Pan Zhe gritted his teeth and finally reluctantly walked away.

Jiang Chenming released his grip on Mo Lingqiu’s hand.”Teacher, are you okay?”

“Yes, thanks.” Mo Lingqiu said gratefully. Honestly, he was planning to directly rip into Pan Zhe back then.

“Do you and that person… know each other?” Jiang Chenming took another glance at the direction Pan Zhe left and asked uncertainly.

Mo Lingqiu pursed his lips; he felt a little awkward. He originally asked Pan Zhe to be at the station so he could tell him face to face clearly to avoid entanglement. But unfortunately, Jiang Chenming saw it, and now he didn’t know if he should explain about it.

Jiang Chenming stared at his side profile for a moment and then sighed. “It’s okay, forget it if you don’t want to talk about it. Let’s go eat.”

Mo Lingqiu saw the big bag of steaming food he was carrying in his hand and made up his mind to explain, “It’s the blind date my parents arranged for me, I’ve already rejected it when they came on the first day.”

“Then? Why did he come to see you today?” Though Jiang Chenming said ‘nothing’ in his mouth, but in his heart, he cared a lot. As soon as Mo Lingqiu started talking about it, he began asking questions.

Seeing him being so impatient, Mo Lingqiu felt a little happy in his heart. “My father persuaded me to add him and tell him clearly. He learned that I was at the station at this time today, and since he also seemed to have just returned from a business trip,  he said he wanted to meet me. I thought of refusing in person, so I agreed.”

“And then..?”

“Then you’ve seen what happened.” Mo Lingqiu’s voice gradually became softer as he spoke, “I initially wanted to settle it before you came.”

“You don’t want me to know about it?” Jiang Chenming pressed closer to Mo Lingqiu, trying to get an answer to his question.

Mo Lingqiu turned his head. “Didn’t you see what would happen if you knew it?”

Jiang Chenming stared at his good-looking side profile, the Teacher Mo today had spoken a lot, although it made him angry at first, but now, listening to each of his words made him a little happy.

“Yes, I’m angry, I’m jealous, I’m envious.” Jiang Chenming grasped onto Mo Lingqiu’s hand. “Teacher Mo, I’m your Alpha. It would be good if you’re my Omega someday.”

Mo Lingqiu allowed him to pull his hand, he didn’t break free from it, but he was still embarrassed. His whole face reddened. “I know, we’ll talk about it afterwards.”

“En, let’s go eat.” Jiang Chenming held his hand and led him to the station’s underground parking garage, after turning here and there, they stopped at a black Land Rover.

Mo Lingqiu always felt that this black Land Rover looked a bit familiar, but he didn’t have much recollection on where he had seen it before.

“Get in the car.” Jiang Chenming pulled open the car door and asked Mo Lingqiu to get in.

Mo Lingqiu froze. “… Your car?”

“Yeah, didn’t we sit in it once before?” When Jiang Chenming heard his words, he laughed out loud. “When I picked you up at the food street previously, did you forget about it?”

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