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Translator: Rin     Editor: dedaign     Proofreader: Amber.es

After visiting the cultural museum, the big bus sent all the teachers and students back to the school.

Since Mo Lingqiu didn’t have any business in the afternoon, he went home first.

After his basketball training ended, Jiang Chenming went to the supermarket to buy two fresh tomatoes and he carried them back home.

Mo Lingqiu was writing something in the study room. Jiang Chenming peeked in when he walked past the door, but he didn’t enter and disturb him. Instead, he went into the kitchen to dunk the tomatoes in water.

At 5 in the evening, Jiang Chenming returned to the kitchen and started cooking the stir-fried eggs and tomato noodles.

Mo Lingqiu was diligently working to organize information in the study room, so he was shocked when the phone next to his hand vibrated.

He picked up his phone and saw the messages Fan Nian had sent.

My aim is 300 million: Are you at home?

My aim is 300 million: I got stood up. Can I go to your house to steal a meal?

Mo Lingqiu went to reply, but hesitated. He thought about Jiang Chenming, who, for some reason, was still in the house. He didn’t want Fan Nian to know about this. Just when he was planning to reject him, Fan Nian sent another message.

My aim is 300 million: I’m already standing in front of your house [Little Bunny knocks on the door]

The sound of the doorbell echoed in the study room. Mo Lingqiu helplessly put down his phone and went to open the door.

Fan Nian had even brought gifts: some fresh strawberries and a box of milk. “See how good I am to you? I even bought you milk,” he said.

Mo Lingqiu thanked him and accepted the gifts before letting him enter the house.

Fan Nian immediately realized something was wrong when he stepped through the door. There was an unfamiliar alpha’s scent. “Why is an alpha’s scent in your house? Don’t tell me you brought someone home to do that?”

Mo Lingqiu scowled and ignored him.

Jiang Chenming heard some noise coming from outside the kitchen. He looked out and quickly greeted, “Dr. Fan. Hi.”

Fan Nian was shocked. “Jiang Chenming? Why are you here?”

“I’m staying at Teacher Mo’s place for a while.” Jiang Chenming glanced at Mo Lingqiu, who was quiet, and wisely explained, “It’s a bit inconvenient for me to live in the dorm.”

Fan Nian wasn’t dumb to the point of asking him about the inconvenience. Since Jiang Chenming had already given a reason like that, he couldn’t really continue to question him. “Oh, it’s like that. You just startled me.”

“Dr. Fan, have you eaten?” Jiang Chenming asked, naturally continuing the conversation.

Mo Lingqiu placed the box of milk into the cabinet and carried the bag of strawberries towards Mo Lingqiu. “He’s here to eat.”

“Okay,” Jiang Chenming replied. Then he turned to Fan Nian, further explaining, “I wanted to thank Teacher Mo for helping me, so I decided to cook. Just in time for you to join us.”

“The computer is off right now. Switch it on yourself if you wanna use it. I’ll go and wash the strawberries.” Mo Lingqiu was too familiar with Fan Nian; he would definitely switch on the computer to play video games while he was there.

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