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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

School was getting back on track. With the nourishment of love, Jiang Chenming was more energetic at practice. His occasional small mistakes were all gone, and his condition was so good that his coach was full of praise for him.

On the other hand, Mo Lingqiu devoted himself to writing a thesis. He just took over a subject and decided to complete it with Yang Sheng and Liao Nan by guiding them.

Before Labour Day 1, Jiang Chenming and Mo Lingqiu had agreed to go to the beach together, but City A and City B had held a large joint basketball game. Jiang Chenming’s coach was invited to be a referee and he’d suggested that Jiang Chenming come along to widen his horizons.

“I…” If it was before, Jiang Chenming would have definitely agreed with no hesitation because he would not only be widening his horizons, but he could also have the opportunity to do some sports market research.

However, because he’d already agreed to travel to the beach with Mo Lingqiu to make up for not being able to seriously go out during the Qingming Festival, Jiang Chenming still needed time to think about.

“It’s okay. Think it through and give me an answer tomorrow.” His coach was open-minded; he just patted Jiang Chenming on the shoulder, leaving the choice in his hands.

Jiang Chenming thanked him profusely and left to meet Mo Lingqiu at the school gate.

When he was in Mo Lingqiu’s car, Jiang Chenming explained what his coach had said, “Teacher Mo, I’m still thinking about whether or not I should go.”

“You can go if you want.” They could travel at any time, but there weren’t many opportunities to be a ref and learn on the job. Mo Lingqiu felt that Jiang Chenming should follow his heart.

In fact, just by even hesitating, it was clear that he actually wanted to go.

“Then, after that… after that, we’ll travel again.” Jiang Chenming was obviously determined to make it up to Mo Lingqiu.

“Okay.” Mo Lingqiu was a little disappointed, but he was no longer a child. As an adult, he would need to know how to make a decision. “In City B?”

“Yes, we’ll go in the morning on the 1st. The competition’s gonna start the 2nd and end the afternoon of the 4th,” Jiang Chenming explained.

Although he would need to come back for work due to his change of shifts, with the five days off for Labour Day, it was just a rather short long vacation.

“Okay.” Mo Lingqiu nodded.

On the morning of the 1st of May, Mo Lingqiu slept past eight o’clock. When he woke up, he saw that Jiang Chenming had already made breakfast and was sitting in the living room waiting for him to wake up.

When they finished breakfast, Mo Lingqiu drove Jiang Chenming to University A’s gate where his coach was waiting for him, surrounded by a few other players who were going to represent City A.

Jiang Chenming got out of the car and leaned over to say goodbye to Mo Lingqiu who was still sitting inside. “Then, I’ll head out, Teacher Mo. Be careful on your way back.”


“Teacher Mo, come here.” Jiang Chenming waved at him.

Mo Lingqiu was stunned. He stuck his head out of the open car window.

Unexpectedly, his lips were kissed. Although the kiss was in a visual blind spot for the people around, Mo Lingqiu’s face still became red.

Jiang Chenming said goodbye again after he kissed him, and then went on his way to get on the bus to City B.

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