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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

Mo Lingqiu followed Jiang Chenming down from the second floor, carrying two boxes of gifts in his hands, carefully taking each step, afraid that he might do something wrong and displease Jiang Chenming’s parents.

“Mom, Dad. This is Mo Lingqiu.” Jiang Chenming was afraid that the room full of Alpha pheromones would affect Mo Lingqiu—and that he would be nervous—so he pulled him in a little closer.

Mo Lingqiu bowed and solemnly greeted, “Uncle and Aunt, nice to meet you. I’m Mo Lingqiu.”

Chen Shan and Jiang Zhongzhen looked at each other, seeing satisfaction reflected in the other’s eyes.

“Hello. You’ve been taking such good care of our son.” Jiang Zhongzhen extended his hand.

Mo Lingqiu froze. He shifted the gift into one of his hands and used the other to shake Jiang Zhongzhen’s hand before passing the gift over. “This is for the two of you. I hope you like it.”

“Aiyo, you’re too polite.” Chen Shan took it with a smile.

“As I should be.” Mo Lingqiu’s expression wasn’t showing much, but he was actually really nervous in his heart.

Jiang Chenming once again held him around his shoulders. “Mom and Dad, Teacher Mo will stay here tonight.”

“Sure. Should I tidy up a guest room or will you be staying in one room together?” Chen Shan handed her things to the housekeeper.

“It’s fine if we share the same room.” Jiang Chenming flashed Mo Lingqiu a reassuring smile.

“Okay.” There was nothing for Chen Chan to disagree with; they were in a proper relationship, and the marking had already happened. If things went well, Mo Lingqiu would enter their family in the future. There was nothing wrong with them sharing the same room.

“Is dinner ready? We’ll eat together if it’s ready.” Chen Shan looked at the housekeeper.

The housekeeper half bowed. “Madam, Young Master said he wanted to be the one to cook tonight, so dinner is not yet ready.”

“You want to cook?” Chen Shan was surprised.

“Yes. It just so happens that you are all here tonight, Mom and Dad.” Jiang Chenming smiled. “Teacher Mo, come help me prepare dinner.”

Mo Lingqiu froze before quickly responding, “Okay.”

With that, Jiang Chenming took Mo Lingqiu into the kitchen, leaving Chen Shan and the others in the living room to deal with their own matters.

“Is it okay for me to come in like this?” Mo Lingqiu stole a glance at the living room, still a little worried.

“You’re fine. You’ll definitely be uncomfortable if you sit out there alone. If my parents want to talk to you, let’s do it later at the dinner table.” Jiang Chenming was ill at ease letting Mo Lingqiu deal with his family out there alone.

“En.” Mo Lingqiu nodded and finally helped him cook.

Their actions were relatively quick and the dishes had even already been taken care of, so all the cooking equipment was basically ready to be used. Soon, the originally empty table was filled with delicious looking dishes.

Jiang Chenming pointed to some of them and said, “These are the dishes made by Teacher Mo. You guys give it a taste. If they’re good, save some for me.”

Chen Shan gave him a slanted glance. “Are you so afraid that I’ll eat all of it?”

“Yes.” Jiang Chenming was really honest.

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