Chapter 58.3 - 100% Compatibility Rate (1)

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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader:

Fan Nian had been a worry-free child since he was little. Although you couldn’t say his grades were top-notch, he could still reach the middle and upper ranks in City A where learning was competitive.

Even though he was from a single-parent family, Fan Nian’s character didn’t turn out bad. He was a well-behaved, good boy.

Fan Nian’s father died early and left behind a large inheritance for him and his mother. Naturally, neither of them needed to worry about the rest of their lives. Fan Nian’s mother was very virtuous and frugal. Even with a lot of money, she was reluctant to spend it, instead thinking to leave it for Fan Nian to marry a wife.

At that time, Fan Nian hadn’t yet reached the differentiation period and always thought that he would definitely differentiate into an Alpha. He obeyed his mother’s wishes, planning to marry an Omega that had a 100% match with him in the future.

The start of Fan Nian and Jiang Junshen’s relationship could also be traced back to before his differentiation period. Back then, Fan Nian successfully went from middle school to high school in City A by ranking in the top 200 citywide.

Many boys’ heights started to increase in high school, everyone secretly competing with each other. Whoever was taller would end up being a high-quality Alpha. It was actually a paradox of medicine, but for all those boys who were full of energy, it was a good confidence booster.

Fan Nian always had a smile on his face and he never mentioned his height. However, it was something he really cared about. He secretly competed with himself and got up every morning to measure his height.

What a pity that, after one full year of high school life, his height only increased by a mere centimetre.

When he couldn’t help but envy his classmates for being tall, a handsome and tall Alpha transferred to their class.

That’s right—a high-quality Alpha that had successfully differentiated.

“Jiang Junshen tongxue, why don’t you introduce yourself?” His homeroom teacher was a young Beta woman. When she saw Jiang Junshen’s appearance, she felt joy in her heart and unconsciously her tone grew softer.

Jiang Junshen glanced at the students sitting before him and uttered a simple introduction. “Hello everyone. My name is Jiang Junshen.”

The homeroom teacher waited for Jiang Junshen to expand, but, after a long silence, she awkwardly smiled. She explained, “Jiang Junshen was studying abroad, but upon returning to City A, because of some particular reason, he transferred over to our class to study with everyone here. He’ll be studying with our class until third year graduation. Jiang Junshen has already differentiated, but not everyone else has. If you have any questions about differentiation, you can ask him. I hope everyone gets along well.”

“Okay!” The students before him answered in unison. Only Fan Nian, with his mouth half open, didn’t say a word.

Afterwards, the homeroom teacher directed Jiang Junshen to sit in the empty seat in the last row because he was tall.

Fan Nian’s gaze followed him. He sat in the first row of the fourth group and Jiang Junshen sat in the last row of the first group. It was diagonally across the classroom at the furthest distance.

Since then, Fan Nian would always find himself inadvertently observing Jiang Junshen.

The reason? Jiang Junshen was simply an adolescent male god for Fan Nian who hadn’t yet differentiated but wanted to be an Alpha.

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