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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

It didn’t matter if it was winter break or summer break, University A always started vacation the earliest. Accordingly, final exams were also very early.

Students could rarely be seen playing with their friends on the campus road. For the most part, they either carried their books to the library and spent the whole day there or dumped themselves in the dormitory and buried their heads in books.

In time, the PE Department’s final exams arrived. Compared to the normal exams of most undergraduates, Jiang Chenming’s final was slightly more extensive. In addition to physical fitness tests and other outdoor exams, he would also have to submit a study report about the major.

Jiang Chenming was busy these days doing his final exam study report, so he spent most of his time in the library. Whenever the library would occasionally run out of space, he ran to spend time in Mo Lingqiu’s office.

That was the case today. Perhaps because several colleges would have exams for popular subjects the next day, the library was fully occupied rather early. Jiang Chenming walked around and couldn’t find a suitable empty seat, so he ran over to the milk tea store to buy two cups of milk tea. He made his appearance in Mo Lingqiu’s office carrying them.

Mo Lingqiu was reading some literature with his glasses on, holding a pen in his hands. The writing in his notebook from when he made notes was neat and beautiful.

Jiang Chenming worked on his report for a while before going over to see what Mo Lingqiu was reading.

He raised his head and gently pushed up his glasses that had fallen to the tip of his nose. “You’ve finished writing?”

“No, I wanna look at what you’re reading.” Jiang Chenming laughed.

Mo Lingqiu knew that Jiang Chenming probably wouldn’t understand if he gave too many details, so he explained it in an easy to understand statement. “A thesis.”

“How come your two doctoral students haven’t come by lately?” Jiang Chenming was spending basically all his time in Mo Lingqiu’s office, but he hadn’t seen the two Alpha PhD students that Mo Lingqiu supervised.

“They know that you’re here, so they didn’t come.” Mo Lingqiu had a rare change in expression and, half-jokingly, he asked, “Do you want to make room for them?”

“No,” Jiang Chenming refused decisively. “If they come, they can only sit over there.”

Mo Lingqiu followed where his finger was pointing with his eyes and gazed at the quite miserable and pitiful looking corner with the two small round stools.

He didn’t know if it was because of Jiang Chenming’s bold words expelling the two doctoral students to sit on the small bench, but the two of them really didn’t show up that day, and they resolved their questions through WeChat.

In the evening, Jiang Chenming and Mo Lingqiu returned home together, ate a simple dinner, and then went back to their rooms to continue their work.

This busy life lasted for a week. The weather became colder and colder, and Jiang Chenming’s exams officially began.

When Mo Lingqiu occasionally passed by the North Campus, he would see the physical education students taking their exams bare-backed in the winter field. He was cold just looking at them.

In early January, Jiang Chenming finished his exams and received a high score on his study report, so he was finally free to start his winter vacation.

“Teacher Mo, I’m going home tomorrow.” Jiang Chenming hadn’t packed his bags yet; he wanted to clearly notify Mo Lingqiu first.

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