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Translator: Rin     Editor: dedaign     Proofreader: Amber.es

When he got home, Mo Lingqiu quickly opened the school forum. He didn’t understand why his real name had been exposed to everyone when he had been in the anonymous section.

He looked at the anonymous section and studied it for half a day, but he couldn’t glean anything from it.

When Jiang Chenming came out from his room, he realized that Mo Lingqiu was really quiet, so he thought that he was working again. He took another look. Mo Linqiu’s door wasn’t closed. He was looking at the computer with a serious expression.

Knock, knock. Jiang Chenming asked, “Teacher Mo, what do you wanna eat tonight?”

Mo Lingqiu was so focused on the computer screen that he didn’t hear what Jiang Chenming had said.

Jiang Chenming called again, but Mo Lingqiu still didn’t respond. He hesitated for a while before walking into Mo Lingqiu’s room. “Teacher Mo, what do you wanna eat tonight?”

Jiang Chenming scared Mo Lingqiu. He looked at Jiang Chenming in a trance and only stammered out after a long while, “Any-anything is fine.”

“Looking at the forum?” Jiang Chenming asked after glancing at the computer.

“…Yes. How did everyone see that I Liked the post?” Mo Lingqiu asked. He minimized the forum that was filled with posts about himself and Jiang Chenming, as if that would make Jiang Chenming not notice what he was looking at.

“Before doing anything in the anonymous area, you need to set a nickname for use there. If you don’t set one, it’ll show your real name from your work account.” Jiang Chenming was good enough to not ask Mo Lingqiu to open the page for him. “Open the profile on your homepage and you’ll be able to change the settings. After you change the nickname, nobody will purposely click to see who you are if you stay peaceful. But if you start arguing, they’re bound to click and check.”

“…So it’s actually still a real-name-based forum?” Mo Lingqiu thought that there was no point in making the forum anonymous if others could still see the real name of someone posting under a nickname.

“Kinda. Since it’s the school forum, it’s easier to manage if anything happens.”

Jiang Chenming’s words were rather reasonable. If everyone used anonymous nicknames and didn’t take responsibility when arguments happened, it would be very troublesome to manage the forum.

“I’ll tinker with the settings a little bit more.” Mo Lingqiu lowered his head.

Jiang Chenming nodded and said, “Teacher, you still haven’t told me what you wanna eat tonight.”

“…Instant noodles.” Mo Lingqiu raised his head when he heard about food. “I’ll make it myself later.”

It had been a long time since he ate instant noodles, so he wanted to satisfy his craving.

Jiang Chenming heard his words and frowned. “Teacher Mo, you really don’t like to eat rice, huh?”

Through his observations, Mo Lingqiu almost only ate noodles for his three daily meals. Rice was rare. Even if he ordered rice, he would finish the dishes and leave some rice behind.

“…I don’t like it.” Mo Lingqiu hadn’t liked to eat rice since he was young. His parents didn’t really supervise him, so he had the freedom to eat anything he wished.

“Wait here. I’ll go make instant noodles for you,” Jiang Chenming said, turning and walking out of Mo Lingqiu’s room.

Only then did Mo Lingqiu open the school forum window that he had minimized and change the anonymous nickname in the settings. Although he probably wouldn’t use the forum after the finger-slipping-incident, he still changed his profile to prevent any accidents from happening in the future.

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