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Translator: Rin    
Editor: dedaign    
Proofreader: Amber.es

When Mo Lingqiu returned to school on the 8th, he received a notice from the Chinese Language Department student office, asking him to bring the students under him to visit the cultural museum.

After he forwarded the notice to his doctoral students, Mo Lingqiu busied himself with the lesson topics for the whole morning. He ate a simple meal in the school cafeteria in the afternoon and made it to the school gate at 1pm like the notice called for.

His students, Yang Sheng and Liao Nan, were both already there, each holding a pen and a book.

“Teacher Mo, we’re here.” Yang Sheng enthusiastically waved his hand towards Mo Lingqiu.

Mo Lingqiu lifted his head and looked at the big bus. There were already a lot of people sitting inside.

He followed Yang Sheng and Liao Nan onto the bus. The bus only had twin seats, save for the five-person seat in the last row. Mo Lingqiu found himself a front seat, while Yang Sheng and Liao Nan quickly found a twin seat in the same row as him.

One by one, the students and teachers who were going to visit the museum boarded the bus. Mo Lingqiu then realised that it wasn’t only the Chinese Language Department, but every department that had students and teachers representing them.

Mo Lingqiu wasn’t familiar with the teachers from other departments. After he pulled the curtain and blocked the blinding sunlight, he closed his eyes to rest.

Suddenly, a familiar scent drifted into his nose and the seat beside him sank.

Mo Lingqiu opened his eyes and saw Jiang Chenming sitting next to him with a faint smile on his face.

“You…” Mo Lingqiu was a bit shocked.

Jiang Chenming thought he was sitting in someone’s seat. He asked, “Is this someone’s place?”

“…No.” Mo Lingqiu shook his head.

“I thought someone was sitting here.” Jiang Chenming smiled. “The senior in our department that was supposed to come went for training. I got caught and was strong-armed into being here.”

“En,” Mo Lingqiu answered him vaguely. He closed his eyes again. Jiang Chenming said the reason he was there was because he was caught, but his popularity was really high and it was normal for teachers to call him for these kinds of events.

Jiang Chenming saw Mo Lingqiu close his eyes, so he stopped talking to him. He plugged in his earphones, listening to music as he scrolled through the forums.

Yang Sheng and Liao Nan, who were sitting in the adjacent seats, were dumbfounded. They were shocked that Jiang Chenming dared to sit beside Mo Lingqiu. They didn’t dare to question him either. They could only wonder if the relationship between the two of them was really good.

The bus was driving from University A to the cultural museum. Before entering the overhead road, they took a small and particularly bumpy road. The bus was shaking to the point that many people became dizzy.

Jiang Chenming wasn’t a person who usually became carsick, but he couldn’t control himself and he diverted his gaze towards Mo Lingqiu. He was sleeping deeply and wasn’t affected by the bumpy road, but his head occasionally knocked into the glass window. Pain could be felt by just looking at him. Moreover, Mo Lingqiu tilting his head that way caused the left side of his nape to be completely exposed. The red patches of skin surrounding his gland could be seen.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Chenming stretched out his hand and brought Mo Lingqiu’s head towards himself, letting him lean on his shoulder.

Compared to the hard glass, it was obvious that his warm shoulder was much more comfortable. Mo Lingqiu slept even deeper.

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