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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

“Boss, serve up another round of everything we ordered.” Jiang Chenming raised his hand to flag down the owner of the barbecue restaurant.

Jiang Junshen noticed that Jiang Chenming was wearing a nice shirt, with a blazer in his hand and casually asked, “You have an event today?”

“A party at school. I was the host,” Jiang Chenming explained.

“Oh.” Jiang Junshen nodded his head and fell back into silence.

Fan Nian had always been the one who talked a lot, but today he didn’t speak. Mo Lingqiu glanced at him several times, and, from the scent of his pheromones alone, he could sense what was happening.

“Where have you been lately?”

“…Some things came up.” Fan Nian was ashamed and really couldn’t say it.

Mo Lingqiu didn’t ask any further. “Do you want to order anything else?”

“Huh?” Fan Nian froze.

“Barbecue.” Although Jiang Chenming had asked the boss to serve another round of what they ordered, Fan Nian might’ve wanted to eat something else.

After hearing food, and because he was also really hungry, Fan Nian quickly gave in and answered, “…Garlic chives.”

“En.” When Mo Lingqiu was about to beckon over the owner, Jiang Junshen stood up from across the table and walked over to the shopkeeper to add the dishes.

Just like that, the four of them sat around the table and ate in silence. From time to time, Jiang Chenming would bring up a few topics and say a line or two about them. Mo Lingqiu and Jiang Junshen were always quiet, and didn’t contribute to the conversation. Usually, Fan Nian, who was talkative, would chime in with a couple words, but today even Fan Nian kept his mouth shut.

“Brother, did you move out recently?” Jiang Chenming hadn’t seen Jiang Junshen appear in the house since the second half of winter break.

“En, I’m living at my own place,” Jiang Junshen said.

“Alone?” Jiang Chenming asked, cleverly setting him up.

“Me and…”

Jiang Junshen was just about to finish his answer when Fan Nian suddenly stretched out his hand between him and his brother. “I want that.”

“What?” Jiang Junshen asked.

“The skewer,” Fan Nian said, casually making something up.

Jiang Junshen silently reached out and handed the plate of skewers to Fan Nian. “Is that enough?”

“It’s enough, it’s enough.” Fan Nian didn’t want to eat the skewers; he only wanted to interrupt what Jiang Junshen had been saying.

“Brother, is your company doing better now?” Before the winter holidays, Jiang Junshen had had a constant headache because of the company’s affairs, but, since he hadn’t returned home, Jiang Chenming hadn’t had the opportunity to ask about the situation.

“Yes, it’s already better.”

When Jiang Chenming heard this, he had a pretty good idea of what he meant. The “better” Jiang Junshen said meant that there would be no flaws to be found and that there would probably be a great development in a short period of time.

“That’s good. Dad also asked me to give you a message.”


“He asked you to not be too hasty.” Actually, this was something Jiang Chenmng’s father, Jiang Zhongzhen, had said during New Year’s Eve, but he was still worried and had asked Jiang Chenming to convey the message again.

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