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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

The weather was getting warmer. In early June, a well-known Chinese paper magazine published a thesis written by Mo Lingqiu after passing through many obstacles. At the same time, the magazine cooperated with some academic websites and made the thesis available to Chinese Language Departments in major universities so that students could use it to learn.

As a result, Mo Lingqiu could add one more achievement to his work experience that was worth speaking about.

In order to encourage more teachers to improve their research spirit and anticipate their creations of more excellent work, University A held a commendation ceremony for Mo Lingqiu and promoted the implementation of a series of reward mechanisms within the university.

The news had even reached Jiang Chenming’s ears in his own college, and it just so happened that his graduate tutor was also part of the commendation list.

Another student who had the same teacher shouted in surprise, “So, Teacher, you were hiding your ability, huh!”

“Don’t you see? I’m very intellectual.” The tutor ran her hand through her hair and a perfume scent instantly wafted out. Since she was a Beta and couldn’t emit pheromones, the smell wasn’t unpleasant.

“Teacher, you’re exaggerating,” the student said, joking around with her with a cheeky smile.

“What about Jiang Chenming? Come and evaluate me,” his tutor said, throwing him the opportunity to be a judge.

Jiang Chenming didn’t really want to answer such a difficult question, but he still knew he needed to cooperate. “Teacher, you’re indeed very outstanding. You really were hiding it all along.”

Repeating the words the other student had said was very simple—Jiang Chenming’s answer was impeccable.

At his boring answer, his instructor couldn’t help but say, “Why do I get the feeling that your mouth isn’t as sweet as it was before? The Jiang Chenming I knew in the past knew how to praise people so well.”

The other student chimed in. “It’s true. He hasn’t said as many nice things recently.”

Jiang Chenming didn’t say what he was thinking, which was that he, of course, wanted to say all his nice words only to Mo Lingqiu.

“Love is really great.” His tutor sighed. As a Beta, she hadn’t gotten married in thirty-five years, and she didn’t want to just make do with that. Who wouldn’t be envious of someone else finding true love?

Jiang Chenming smiled. “Thank you, Teacher, for your blessing. I’ll head out.”

He’d originally come to find his tutor today to talk about the thesis at the end of his graduate course’s second term. After he handed in what was necessary, there would be nothing left to do for him. He was eager to find Mo Lingqiu for dinner.

“Go, go, go.” His instructor waved his hand, driving him away with a smile.

Permission received, Jiang Chenming quickly grabbed his things and left his tutor’s office.

He flew all the way to the Chinese Language Department teaching building in a very good mood. One he reached the front door of a classroom on the second floor, he stopped, waiting for Mo Lingqiu to finish invigilating the exam inside.

The final exams of the various University A colleges were arranged according to major. The undergraduate students from the Chinese Language Department always started their exams early. Because of the large number of students with only a few teachers, Mo Lingqiu was arranged to invigilate the exam.

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