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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

The word “family” kept haunting Mo Lingqiu’s mind. He slowly realised that Jiang Chenming’s family situation might actually be rather complicated—which might’ve been the reason why he had never been told about it.

Perhaps Shihao Garden was his own property, or, maybe, his family had bought it for him so he could live there.

The car weaved through the suburb roads to the highway, flying the whole way. Half an hour later, it was driven into the mountains, where it went over a hill to reach a large grassland area. As they drove further ahead, they could see a villa far away that didn’t look small.

Mo Lingqiu had lived in City A for such a long time, but he never knew that a place like this existed here. Still, he was expressionless and didn’t show his amazement on his face.

The driver quickly pulled the car up into a parking space in front of the villa. Only then did Mo Lingqiu realise its scale. How is this a villa? Isn’t it a palace? It was exaggeratingly big.

Jiang Junshen put away his tablet. His door opened without him lifting a finger—someone had come to open it for him.

Mo Lingqiu stepped out of the car and saw a man wearing a tuxedo speaking seriously with Jiang Junshen, saying words that were very hard to believe.

“Eldest young master, welcome home.”

“Where’s Chenming?” Jiang Junshen asked, expressionless, handing the tablet over to the man.

“Little young master has gone to the company for a meeting.”

“En,” Jiang Junshen answered. He walked straight towards the villa’s front door.

Mo Lingqiu silently followed him; it wasn’t that he didn’t want to ask, it was just that he really didn’t know what to say.

After walking into the large living room, Jiang Junshen pointed to an unoccupied white leather sofa and gestured for Mo Lingqiu to sit down. “Sit for a while.”

“…Thank you.” Mo Lingqiu, still keeping quiet, hesitated for a moment before he sat down in the corner of the sofa.

Jiang Junshen personally walked to the tea set to make a pot of Longjing before sitting down across from Mo Lingqiu.

Soon someone brought Mo Lingqiu a cup of hot tea, but he didn’t drink it. Instead, he carefully observed the interior’s structure, thinking about how he should react if something really happened later.

Jiang Junshen noticed that he was uncomfortable, so he reminded him, “Don’t be too formal. Just treat this place as your own home.”

Of course, Mo Lingqiu didn’t dare to treat this place as his own home. Although his own family was well-off, he was only from an ordinary, highly intellectual family; where would he have ever seen a scene full of such wealthy people?

“Chenming went to the company for a meeting. It should be a while before he returns.”

“Okay.” Mo Lingqiu tightly clenched his hands together and didn’t say much.

About ten minutes passed. A new person pushed a food cart into the living room, bringing the two of them a delicate breakfast. Mo Lingqiu’s appetite was small, so he only ate two handmade cookies.

After that, three long hours passed. Jiang Junshen sat in one place on the sofa without moving. Without having to look at him, Mo Lingqiu knew that he was busy working.

Mo Lingqiu’s body was becoming stiff from all the sitting, but he couldn’t move until he heard movement outside the door, a familiar voice echoing into his ear.

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