Chapter 58.1 - Extra 1: We Can't Stop What's Supposed To Come

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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign   Proofreader:

Originally, Mo Lingqiu and Jiang Chenming were of one mind when it came to children. When the next heat came, they would no longer use contraceptives, and, when Mo Lingqiu became pregnant, they would be ready to welcome a new life to the family. 

At the end of the semester, Mo Lingqiu was unexpectedly scheduled by the school to go to K country to participate in a world-class teacher’s summer camp. The camp would last for a month, starting in mid-July and ending in mid-August.

After informing Jiang Chenming, he watched as he fell into a brief silence.

“Teacher Mo, this kind of opportunity is rare. If you want to go, then you should go.” Mo Lingqiu had once said the same to Jiang Chenming.

“…I’d be going after my heat.”

“I’m worried. What’ll you do if your body is affected?” If Mo Lingqiu really became pregnant, it would be awful if he were overworked at the camp.

Mo Lingqiu shot him a deep look and stubbornly said, “I’ll be fine.”

Jiang Chenming opened his mouth, smiled helplessly, and pulled Mo Lingqiu into his arms. “Teacher Mo, you said before that we don’t need to rush for this one. You’re going abroad and I’ll be so far away from you, so I’m worried.”

Mo Lingqiu thought about it for a moment, but he still ended up compromising. “…En.”

As soon as he went abroad, both the environment and customs would change. Plus, there were too many unknowns for the summer camp. He didn’t know if there would be any special circumstances, but it was better to be safe.

Jiang Chenming kissed him. “Good things take time to come.”

“Yeah.” Mo Lingqiu liked that saying.

Just like that, the two of them were once again in agreement. When the next heat came, they would use the necessary contraceptives, and the harmless pill from the research institute that Mo Lingqiu’s parents had given them would be taken in advance.

When July came, the weather became hotter and hotter, and Mo Lingqiu, who wasn’t really sensitive to heat, was also sweating.

Jiang Chenming turned up the air conditioner a bit. “Teacher Mo, let me do it. You go rest.”

The kitchen didn’t have an air conditioner, just a big fan blowing.

In order not to overheat themselves, Jiang Chenming and Mo Lingqiu took turns cooking.

Mo Lingqiu was really hot. He put down the spatula and walked out of the kitchen, sitting on the sofa covered with bamboo cushions, air conditioner blowing as he ate watermelon. Before Jiang Chenming could finish cooking the meal, two-thirds of the watermelon half in front of him had disappeared.

Covering his mouth and trying to burp inconspicuously, Mo Lingqiu raised his hand and fanned the air. Even though the air conditioner was blowing, he still felt hot, and a nameless fire rose in him, making him sweat all over.

Moving his legs was excruciating, but Mo Lingqiu lay on the sofa, finding that position more comfortable. But when Jiang Chenming was done cooking, he was even hotter.

“Why are you sweating so much?” Jiang Chenming took his shirt off, suddenly shirtless. When he saw the thin layer of sweat covering Mo Lingqiu’s face, he was stunned.

“I don’t know, it’s hot.” Mo Lingqiu sighed and sat up, wanting to eat something.

Not only was he hot, he was hungry.

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