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Translator: Rin     Editor: dedaign     Proofreader: Amber.es

Click. Jiang Chenming pulled his luggage and walked into the living room.

The competition he had joined was supposed to last a full week, but he had bumped into an opponent while dribbling and injured his knees. Although the teacher who accompanied them immediately brought him to the doctor for an x-ray and the doctor said he was alright, the teacher was still worried and asked him to return to City A first.

Jiang Chenming was fine with the request since he wasn’t supposed to have joined the competition in the first place. It was also perfectly timed to give new players a chance to gain experience playing.

The house was silent. Jiang Chenming could faintly smell the scent of sweet milk, but it was so mild that he thought Mo Lingqiu hadn’t yet returned.

He went to the washroom to wash his hands and then pulled his luggage into his room. Just as he stood up, he saw a lump wrapped in his blanket. A person was obviously hiding inside.

The smell also obviously belonged to Mo Lingqiu.

The fact that he had coiled up and slept in Jiang Chenming’s bed made his heart pound quickly. His sense of superiority as an alpha was miraculously satisfied.

Jiang Chenming no longer paid attention to his luggage. He walked to the bed and tried to pull the blanket open to look inside at Mo Lingqiu. Who knew Mo Lingqiu had grabbed onto the blanket so tightly that Jiang Chenming couldn’t pull an inch.

He tugged on it with more force. The person inside irritably turned his body. He emerged from the blanket and murmured with his eyes closed, “You’re annoying.”

Jiang Chenming was stunned. He released his hand, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. After a while, he noticed Mo Lingqiu’s red face, and stretched his hand out to him.

His forehead was hot. It seemed like a fever.

Jiang Chenming quickly went to the living room and found the first aid kit. He took out the thermometer.

The thermometer in Mo Lingqiu’s house was the normal type with mercury that needed to be placed under the armpit to measure body temperature. Jiang Chenming pulled Mo Lingqiu from the blanket, undid his buttons, and properly placed the thermometer.

It might’ve only been because Jiang Chenming had come back, but Mo Lingqiu slept so peacefully that Jiang Chenming could’ve done anything to him.

After ten minutes, Jiang Chenming pushed away Mo Lingqiu’s hand that was clutching onto his own shirt and retrieved the thermometer from his armpit.

38.7 degrees Celsius. The temperature was quite high.

After he helped Mo Lingqiu adjust the blanket, he went out to boil water and to prepare the medicine for reducing fever. After attending to it for a while, he carried the warm medicine back to the room. Mo Lingqiu, who had already been pulled out, had retreated back into the blanket with only some strands of hair left outside.

Jiang Chenming felt that he was cute and moved to comb those strands of hair. He softly called to him, “Teacher Mo. Wake up and take some medicine. You can sleep afterwards.”

Mo Lingqiu ignored him. He stuck his butt up and turned his body.

Jiang Chenming almost laughed out loud. This was really different from the usual Mo Lingqiu.

Although he was cute, the medicine still had to be taken. Jiang Chenming stopped being soft-hearted and pulled the blanket with more force. He pulled out Mo Lingqiu who was trying to hide inside. To prevent him from escaping, he directly pulled him into his embrace.

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