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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

Because of his sudden heat, Mo Lingqiu’s original two days off around the Qingming Festival had become five.

When the whole school found out that Mo Lingqiu hadn’t come to school for that many days, and that Jiang Chenming had also taken the same leave, they started to speculate over whether or not Mo Lingqiu’s heat had come.

Once everyone had almost guessed the correct answer—even dreaming up various places and ways they could have spent the heat—Mo Lingqiu finally appeared on University A’s campus, the sixth day after the holiday.

When students passed by him, the bitter almond pheromones around him were obviously a bit strong, but because it was magically blended with his sweet milk scent, it didn’t feel out of place.

Mo Lingqiu was wearing a crew neck shirt, with the gland on his nape generously exposed. There wasn’t a bite mark, though, further confirming what everyone thought—he was indeed permanently marked.

Not long after, Jiang Chenming appeared on the North Campus and made a trip back to his dorm.

“Here.” Jiang Chenming put the snacks he brought on Fatty’s desk.

Fatty was flattered. “You actually came back?”

“Didn’t you go on a trip? Why did you take a long leave?” asked He Jia from Bed No. 2. He ran to Fatty’s side, taking a packet of snacks from the bag and opening it.

“An accident happened,” said Jiang Chenming, but, judging by the expression on his face, the accident didn’t seem like it was a bad thing at all.

Lao Si knew from one glance what had happened. Not to mention, he was someone with a girlfriend, so he could somewhat empathize. “You and Teacher Mo, hm?”

With that question, Fatty and He Jia immediately stared at him, hoping to hear his answer.

“Hmph. I came back today to bring you guys some snacks. I’ll probably come back more once in a while. Don’t miss me too much, all right?”

“Tsk, you haven’t come back since last semester, okay?” Fatty said, voice full of disdain.

Jiang Chenming laughed. “Then I’ll just never come back again. Give me back my snacks.”

“Hey, hey, hey! No!” Fatty quickly reached out and snatched back the snacks. Since he’d already given them the snacks, how could he take them back?

“Just kidding.” Jiang Chenming waved his hand. “All right, I just came back to see you guys.”

“You’re leaving?” Lao Si looked surprised.

“Yeah, I’m going to pick up Teacher Mo. I have to take him for a medical check up,” Jiang Chenming said, standing up straight.

He Jia was stunned. Loudly, he yelled, “Shit! You’re fucking awesome, aren’t you? It’s not what I think, right?”

Jiang Chenming hesitated, but still denied it in the end. “No. It’s only a regular checkup, don’t think too much.”

With those words, Jiang Chenming left the three of them dumbfounded in the room.

When he got back to the school Mo Lingqiu cancelled the sick leave in the system and then packed up the things in his office. He made full use of the time and assigned some tasks to Yang Sheng and Liao Nan. As he was leaving the office, Jiang Chenming happened to be walking down the hallway.

“Ready to go?”

“En.” Mo Lingqiu nodded his head.

“It’s raining outside,” Jiang Chenming noted, shaking out his still dripping umbrella.

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