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Translator: Rin     Editor: dedaign     Proofreader: Amber.es

When Mo Lingqiu drove to school the next day and walked out from the basement parking lot, the people who walked past him were stunned when they smelled the scent coming from his body.

The well-known alpha from the Chinese Language Department, Mo Lingqiu, had suddenly changed. Not only had he changed into an omega, but he was an omega who had already been marked, and the scent of the pheromones was really familiar to everyone around him!

University A’s forum had exploded due to this incident. Initially, people who surfed the forum didn’t believe the rumors, but when more and more people came online to provide evidence and when Mo Lingqiu went to the dean’s office, they changed their opinions.

The breaking news was pinned on top of the first page with an eye-catching title.

[Our house has collapsed! Mo is an Omega!]

[Uploader: WTF, I attended Chinese class today and met Teacher Mo when I was walking past the parking lot. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with my nose! He’s an Omega?!

1F: What’s the floor above talking about?

2F: I don’t believe it. You can’t act this way to gain fame, Uploader. Post it in the real name area if you dare.

5F: I also encountered him. Teacher Mo went to the dean’s office. I’m a Chinese Language Department student and I’m here to prove it. [Picture]

6F: Wtf?

7F: Omega?! My first love is gone!! I really like Mo Lingqiu, wuwuwuwu!

20F: I’m at the ground floor of the Chinese Language Department building and I saw Teacher Mo coming out earlier. 

21F: Quickly report the latest news!

22F: Quickly report the latest news!

100F: Where did 20F go? We’ve already reached 3-digit-numbers and they’re still not here?

101F: I’m coming, I’m coming!

102F: Wtf? Mo Lingqiu was marked?

103F: ???

104F: What are you guys talking about????

215F: ???

216F: There are a hundred floors of question marks, you guys are disturbing my view!

217F: So now Mo Lingqiu is not only an omega, but a marked omega?

300F: This is insane! Which bitch did that!

301F: That scent… Isn’t it Jiang Chenming from the next building?

302F: What are you guys talking about?

475F: I’m the uploader so I’m going to explain. Teacher Mo Lingqiu from the Chinese Language Department really is an omega. Mo Lingqiu’s gender was filled in on the school’s website earlier and I screenshotted it. I didn’t even realise that it had always been blank before this. (The thing is, who would open every teacher’s information page on the school’s website?!)

Another thing: Teacher Mo is really marked, but the scent isn’t that strong. He was probably only marked temporarily, and the familiar scent belongs to Jiang Chenming from the next building.

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