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Translator: Rin    Editor: dedaign    Proofreader: Amber.es

“Hi.” Jiang Chenming entered the ward, smiling as he placed the flowers he had bought in the vase next to him. “I’m Teacher Mo’s boyfriend, Jiang Chenming.”

“I know you. Quite a number of people at the school like you a lot, including a few of the intern teachers I taught before.” Professor Cao had only just met Jiang Chenming and had immediately put him in trouble.

Jiang Chenming’s expression remained unchanged. “Is that so? It’s too bad I only have eyes for Teacher Mo.”

Mo Lingqiu glanced at him while peeling an apple and then handed the peeled apple to Professor Cao. “Teacher, eat this. Don’t listen to his nonsense.”

Professor Cao smiled and took the apple, but his mouth was speaking for Jiang Chenming, “Xiao Jiang is just being honest.”

“Yes, only honest people get candy,” Jiang Chenming agreed.

Mo Lingqiu shoved another peeled apple at him. “Eat.”

Jiang Chenming had to take it. Still, he ate with great enthusiasm.

Afterward, Jiang Chenming stayed for a while with Professor Cao to chat. Mo Lingqiu found that the two of them could actually hold a conversation; talk of Jiang Chenming’s good personality and eloquence weren’t just empty words.

The attending doctor came later to check Professor Cao’s body. Although his blood pressure was as high as usual, he was still quite energetic. The doctor specifically nagged Professor Cao again and again about what he absolutely shouldn’t eat. Professor Cao was very unhappy hearing his words, but, probably because Jiang Chenming was there, he didn’t protest.

“Got it. I’ll pay attention.” Face serious, Professor Cao gave the attending doctor the impression that he’d finally realised that his health condition couldn’t be considered good.

The attending doctor was very relieved. “Since you understand, then you’re good. I won’t bother you much. As for your hospitalisation, I’m advising you that it’s better to stay three more days for observation. If there aren’t any major problems after that, then you can be discharged.”

“Then let’s stay for another three days. Sorry for the trouble, doctor,” Mo Lingqiu immediately responded.

“Mr. Mo, do you want to come with me now to do the necessary paperwork for the extended stay?”

“En.” Mo Lingqiu stood up and followed the doctor out.

Standing in his office, while doing the paperwork, the doctor said, “Mr. Mo, you should pay more attention from now on. There are some things I couldn’t say in front of Mr. Cao before, but, since you’re here, I’ll be straightforward with you.”

“…Okay.” Mo Lingqiu didn’t have a good feeling.

“Mr. Cao’s health has always been quite good. We also carry out his annual physical here, but his high blood pressure is already an old health problem. Besides, he’s also old, so what should be taken care of should still be taken care of. You also know that the old man has his own way of thinking, so you’ll need to watch out even more.

“Yes, I understand.” In the past few years, Mo Lingqiu would go to see Professor Cao whenever he had the time. Because he’d accidentally gone into heat, he hadn’t visited him in half a year. He would certainly make more time for him after this.

“As long as you understand. Alright, take this and go to the payment office to pay the fee.”

“Thank you, doctor,” Mo Lingqiu said. Then he walked out of the office, medical record book and slip in hand.

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