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Translator: Rin     Editor: dedaign     Proofreader: Amber.es

Jiang Chenming put down the empty glass, took his phone, and patted the person beside him. “I’ll leave first.”

“Ah? You’re leaving so early?”

“I drank too much. I’m feeling uncomfortable.” Jiang Chenming waved his hand and walked out.

Mo Lingqiu rarely called him. He was a person who disliked bothering others, so Jiang Chenming instinctively felt that something had happened.

After pulling himself out from the lively atmosphere of the restaurant, JIang Chenming stood by the roadside and accepted the call. “Hello, Teacher Mo.”

“Jiang Chenming?” It was not Mo Lingqiu’s voice on the other side of the call.

“…Who is this?”

“It’s me, Fan Nian. Where are you now?” Fan Nian sounded anxious.

“At a restaurant near the school.”

“Ah, that’s perfect. Come quickly. We’re at the skewer shop in the back alley where you ate last time. In the boss’s house.” Fan Nian reminded him, “Remember to take some inhibitors before you come. Lingqiu has gone into heat.”

Jiang Chenming’s grip tightened around his phone. He immediately ran towards the skewer shop.

When he appeared at the skewer shop, drenched in sweat, the boss immediately recognized him. He quickly brought him in from the back door.

Fan Nian stood at the door looking anxious. When he saw Jiang Chenming, he behaved like he had met his saviour. “Quickly… quickly go and take a look at him! “

“Dr. Fan, you can leave first. Staying here…” Jiang Chenming was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to control himself and that he would release pheromones that might even affect Fan Nian.

Fan Nian nodded. He knew he couldn’t stay, but he also had a request for Jiang Chenming. “You… you need to take him back.”

Mo Lingqiu was a prideful person. Whether it was going into heat outside or borrowing other people’s houses, he wouldn’t want either to happen. If he could avoid doing either, he would try his best.

Jiang Chenming solemnly agreed. “I’ll bring him back as soon as possible. Thank you, Dr. Fan.”

“Then, I’ll leave first. You guys… deal with it.”

The boss smiled towards Jiang Chenming. “Tell me if you need any help.”

Jiang Chenming thanked him. After the boss left, he pushed open the door and quickly closed it with his backhand.

He had taken two inhibitor pills on his way over, but the scent of sweet milk that filled the room still made his legs shake and made him dizzy.

Mo Lingqiu was lying on the sofa. He had gone into heat while eating. The only memory remaining in his consciousness was Fan Nian’s worried expression in the darkness of the room that was empty of any pheromone scent.

The heat from his body made him unconsciously pull at his sweater. Even some of the buttons on the shirt inside were undone.

The familiar bitter almond scent that entered the room with Jiang Chenming made Mo Lingqiu open his eyes.

He struggled for a while moving himself from the sofa with his weakened legs before pouncing into Jiang Chenming’s embrace to ask for kisses.

Jiang Chenming hugged his burning hot body and kissed his forehead to appease him. Meanwhile, he called someone.

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