Chapter 38:Medical Room

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Jax Pov:
Emma is just staring at me, I am trying to pretend I don't love her anymore but I still do. I can't do this anymore with her, she chose him. I need to get away for a bit. "Jax thanks for taking me here," Emma saids.She gives that smile of her, I shake my head I need to stop daydreaming. Emma chose him that humman over me, I look at Emma and reply "its fine umm am going back to class I will see you around." She looks at me and shouts "please dont go Jax look I want us to be friends and I know I hurt you but please just...." I interrupt her and said "Emma am not staying with you ok because that is what boyfriends do am not your boyfriend. I still need time to forgive you and him, I dont understand you Emma!" She looks shocked and I bang the door shunt. I am holidng the door handle tightly, my heart is beating so fast. She still makes me feel lovey dovey inside I hate that feeling. I shake it off and leave the school grounds, I need a break from everyone, Emma, Daniel and Irduim High. I cant deal with it anymore, I put on my helmat and look at the school building. I sigh and say "Good-bye Irduim High!" I drive off to my house and get the things I need, maybe a break will relax me and take my mind off things.

Emma Pov:

I cant believe how Jax acted, he acted like a jerk. My ankle is killing me but I just cant get Jax out of my mind. I hate feeling like this, he is right I dont even understand myself. I loved Daniel than I fell in love with Jax, than back with Daniel and now am in love with Jax. Is it possibe to love two people? When I started here I didnt think I would find love but I did with Daniel than I find love with Jax. My heart and mind is torn apart, I have these two amazing guys in my life. I keep breaking hearts and ruining friendship, I wish everything could go back to normal. I wish I was normal no witch, no powers which would mean no chaos. I would be so happy in life but no am life isnt like that at all, uhh my anke is stinging with pain. I am waiting for Nurse Lily who still hasnt appeared yet, I take a ice pack out of the fridge and put it on my ankle. Hopefully it will stop the swelling, ohh that ice pack is freezing cold. I wrap it with some towel and tuck it into my right sock, I will it until the end of the day hopefully by than the swelling is gone down. I walk out of the medical room when I hear my dad voice behind "Emma are you okay what happened?" I smile at my dad and reply "I fell and dont worry about me am ok!" My dad looks worried but shakes his head and saids "have you seen Jax he hasnt been to lesson so...." I smile again and reply "I think he went home as he wasn't feeling well!" My dad sighs and saids ok, I spend the rest of the day at his office. I can't stop thinking about Jax.

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