chapter 01.

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I was sat in my dorm reading the letter my parents have sent me

Our dearest girl,
We're truly sorry you cannot come with us this summer and to apologize for that we have come to the conclusion that you are old and mature enough to be left alone with your friends.
We've decided to send you the keys to the summer house where you can spend the summer with your friends. Have fun.

Love, Lilian, and Oliver

My gaze shifted to the little box in the envelope my parents had sent me. I opened it and found the keys, I jumped up and ran to the common room where all my friends were and Mattheo

"Guys, my parents gave me the keys to our summer house and they said we can spend the summer there" I informed them and they all seemed really happy about it "What about Mattheo?" Draco asked, "What about him?" I asked back

Soon I realized that they thought he wasn't allowed to come "Oh, no he can come. We're all friends our break up shouldn't affect that" I smiled at the group and then fake smiled at Mattheo

He and I hated each other but I chose to be nice when our friends are around so it wouldn't affect the friend group

"I don't want to go." he announced "No mattheo you're going" Enzo told him and ended the discussion

After informing my friends we sat down and talked for a while before everyone went off to bed leaving me and mattheo alone in the common room.

"you do not want me to go" he announced "How would you know?" I asked "Ashley we may hate each other now but I dated you for a year, I can read you very well" he explained "Fine. I'm not that fond of the idea but you are completely because we need to get along, for the sake of the group" I said and walked away to my dorm.

I woke up at 7 am, later than usual considering it was the last day, and waited for my friends before we all went down to breakfast. I interlocked my arms with Enzo and Pansy as we walked through the halls of Hogwarts

"I cannot wait for the summer house, we're going to have such a good time" Pansy squealed loudly causing Draco to groan "Pansy stop that will you, it's getting rather annoying," he said "Leave her alone Draco" I shoved the boy who just rolled his eyes and continued walking

Suddenly I was pulled back by someone, some tall Gryffindor "You look gorgeous, why don't you come with me and let me give you a great time" He went in to kiss me "What the fuck leave me alone" I tried to push him away but no use. His lips barely touched mine as he held me tightly before he was harshly pushed back by


"Touch her again you fucking piece of shit and you won't have any arms to touch her with" he yelled at the guy while Draco and Theo held him. Mattheo landed a punch straight into his jaw and kicked him on the floor

I rushed in and pulled Mattheo away from him "I'm okay" I reassured the boy who stopped after hearing those two words, like a reflex, he put his arm around me and we walked to the great hall where he then took his hand off as nothing happened

We sat down at the table and listened to Dumbledore's speech about the end of the school year "Students, enjoy your holidays. You are free to leave" he announced and everyone went rushing out of the great hall

I put my arm around Theodore's waist and he put his around my neck while we walked back to the common room, he suddenly laughed, out of nowhere. "You good?" I laughed as well "I- just- what the hell was that with Mattheo? I mean I get why he protected you any of us would've done that but why did he put his arm around you?"

"I honestly have no fucking idea, I'm just as confused as you are" I laughed with my best friend when we entered the common room "I'll go pack, be ready in 20 guys," I told my friends and left

I was closing up my suitcase when someone knocked on the door, I opened it revealing Mattheo "You okay?" he asked "Uh yeah why wouldn't I be?" I laughed softly "I don't know because of that asshole from before" he shrugged "There's no one around Mattheo you don't have to pretend to care" I laughed once more, but he didn't answer for a while before he finally said "Right." and left

After 20 minutes I walked back to the common room with my luggage where I found all my friends there waiting, everyone except Mattheo. "Where's Mattheo?" I wondered to my friends "He said he doesn't want to go" Theo said "I'll talk to him" Enzo said as he was about to leave but I cut him off "Let me" I offered and walked towards Mattheo's room

I knocked "Come in" I heard and opened the door "Why aren't you going?"
"Don't feel like it."
"Mattheo come on, please. We need to make this work" I begged the curly-haired boy "I want you to come, really" I admitted "You do?"
"Yes. I do" I smiled causing him to smile as well. Moments like these I remembered why I fell in love with him. Why it maybe could've worked out if we were more mature.

I came back to my friends with Mattheo by my side and then we all left for the train. We took the train back to London and then apparated to Dubai, where our summer house was.

I ended up sharing a bedroom with Enzo since Pansy and Draco are in one, they're a thing now I guess. I'm happy for them, they seem happy too "Do you have a boyfriend?" Enzo suddenly asked "Enzo- What?" I laughed "It's not because of me and I'm only asking since he's being so fucking annoying about it. Mattheo wanted to know" he confessed "I don't have a boyfriend" I answered his question from before "Good because I think he'd have a mental breakdown if you did" Enzo laughed

I laughed with him. Out of all the boys I've always been the closest to Enzo, Theo, and Mattheo. They're the ones I told everything to. I practically grew up with Enzo so sharing a room was no big deal.

- - - -

it was 6 pm already, we were at the beach all day and just then arrived back in the house. I and Pansy decided to make dinner while the boys hung out in the living room, suddenly we heard the boys "Ooohhh" from where they were sitting. Curious, me and Pansy walked over there "What's going on?" Pansy asked "The girl from the bar was were sitting at earlier today slipped Mattheo her number" Draco informed "You have to call her, she was wild" Blaise suddenly said "I probably will" Mattheo shrugged, and went back to smoking his cigarette.

Enzo and Theo noticed my mood change, I went from smiling to frown. I wasn't in love with Mattheo anymore but I still had love for him and seeing him be so ready to already date another girl did hurt.

I walked back to the kitchen to continue making the food, a minute later the two boys walked in "You okay Ash?" Enzo asked "Fine. I don't know what you're talking about" I shrugged "Stop pretending, we've known you for years which is enough so that we can tell when you're upset" Theo argued "And you are upset. Because Mattheo wants to go out with another girl" Enzo added "I am not" I couldn't look them in the eyes, I was lying.

"Then why did you walk into the kitchen," Theo asked "Because the food was going to burn" I shrugged "That's a good one, remember that one Theodore it's a good excuse" Enzo laughed as he stepped next to me, and pulled me into his arms "It's okay to be upset Ash, you just broke up. It's understandable"

Enzo's hugs were the best, I could never feel more safer than when I'm in Enzo's arms. He was like the big brother I never had. Theo too. My two big brothers.

"thank you for being my unpaid therapists"

Theo hugged me as well "You don't have to pretend with us little one" he kissed the top of my head "Thanks guys" I hugged them both tighter before we walked back to the living room.

When I entered Mattheo's gaze immediately shifted from the kitchen door to the floor. Why? I wouldn't be able to tell you.

"Food almost ready, boys set up the dining room table will you" I informed before I kissed Theo and Enzo on the cheek and went back to the kitchen to finish the food.

We ate dinner while talking about pretty much everything, I was glad our friend group hadn't changed because of me and Mattheo, that's all I've ever wanted. For our friend group not to fall apart.

- - talks with jules - -
I unpublished all my stories but I have decided I will be continuing this one. I love it sm already.

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