chapter 14.

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It was starting, the teachers had begun to put up the barriers and did every safety procedure they could think of but we all knew sooner than later we were going to have to start fighting. The barrier wasn't going to hold the death eaters back forever.

Fred, George, and I stood close to each other as we held hands "Let's go somewhere" George offered and brought us up on a roof, we watched as the death eaters slowly destroyed the barrier that was keeping them from the school

"You okay Ash?" The two of them asked "Yeah" I responded, I was terrified "Us too" they smiled at me  "If one of you two doesn't come back in one piece, I'll bring you back to life just so I can kill you myself" I warned them causing them to laugh "Deal" Fred kissed my cheek while George leaned his head on mine

"You better not die either" George said "I won't" I promised "I need to go and find Enzo" I informed and rushed off the roof


"Hey George" I spoke up "If one of us doesn't make it" I started "Don't say that Freddie" he shook his head "If it happens, if one of us dies, the other needs to promise to look after Ashley" I said "Freddie we'll make i-"

"Promise me George" I said in a serious tone "I promise" he sighed "But we'll be okay" he reassured. I hoped so.


I ran around the school to find my friends. I finally found them in the Slytherin common room, Enzo quickly stood up to hug me "Be careful Enzo I beg you" I hugged him tight, as tight as I possibly could, I was sure I stopped his breathing but I wanted to hold him for as long as I could "I will be Ash, You be careful too. I cannot lose you" he hugged me tighter than I hugged
him, if that was even possible

I moved on to Theo who immediately wrapped his arms around me "Don't die please" he whispered, his voice was shaky, he could barely speak.

I almost broke down seeing him like that "I won't, you better not either" I smiled "I love you Ashley" He kissed my forehead "I know" I whispered as I kissed his cheek.


She hugged me after Theo, I didn't want to let her go, she was my only friend whom I've known since I was little; We didn't say anything to each other, we knew what the other was going to say.

She tried talking to Pansy after me, I could see she wasn't sure how it was going to go but to no one's surprise Pansy immediately started crying, we knew she loved Ashley with all her heart.

She talked to Draco and Blaise as well, nothing too much considering that they were never that close but were still friends.


After I finished talking to all my friends, I said my goodbyes. I wasn't sure how the war was going to go but I had a really bad feeling.

All the students were gathered outside when it happened, the barrier was destroyed, and our troops made their way over the bridge to fight but they were nothing against hundreds of death eaters and massive goblins.

Death eaters were flying in from every side, fire was everywhere and I could already see a few dead bodies on the ground "Everyone inside" McGonagall yelled as everyone rushed inside, I felt someone grab my hand and drag me away from the ginormous amount of students, we moved at a incredible speed resulting in me not seeing who it was.

I just assumed it was Fred or George but oh how wrong I was.

When we finally came to a stop I managed to look at the person, my heart dropped "Get away from me" I cried out as I took multiple steps back "Ashley you're safe" he tried to calm me down "I'm not safe with you, I'll never be safe with you Mattheo" I yelled, I couldn't even look him in the face "Ashley I tried to get you out of the house, no matter what I did, he didn't listen" he explained "Why should I listen to you? You kidnapped me and put me through more than a week of torture" I raised my voice even more "Do you have any idea what I went through, the pain I felt? I hoped I would die Mattheo. It was so bad my only wish was to die" tears escaped my eyes no matter how much I tried to hold them in

"I joined him to protect you Ashley, You were never supposed to be kidnapped, the night we took you, it wasn't planned. I did come to see you but he followed me and I had to go along with it. He would've killed me and then you right after"

"I don't believe you" I shook my head and left "Avada Kedavra" Mattheo yelled, I ducked I thought it was pointed at me but when I turned around I saw that there was a death eater, he was going to kill me.

I continued walking without bothering to look at him, I left the room of Requirement and looked out of the huge windows that were placed in the halls, half of the school was on fire. The place I used to call home was about to be turned into ashes and I couldn't do anything about it.

I ran back to the main floor to help out as I noticed a third year being cornered by a death eater "Avada Kedavra" I pointed my wand at him and the third year immediately ran to hug me "You're okay, just be careful" I comforted him but had to go away considering that there were death eaters on every corner

I was growing tired, my legs hurt and I barely had any strength left but I couldn't rest now, Two death eaters were coming my way, at the same time, they cast the killing curse onto me "Expelliarmus" I turned their spells onto them as they blew up into ashes.

I hadn't seen my friends the entire time, I was sure they were busy but I was also terrified something had happened.

I was carefully roaming the halls when I once again saw someone on the floor as a death eater approached them, I'd recognize that ginger hair anywhere "Avada Kedavra" I rushed the second I heard that "Expelliarmus" I yelled out before killing the death eater.

I ran up to Fred and hugged him "Are you okay?" I asked as panic filled my body while I searched his body for injuries "I'm alright" he nodded as he held me close.

"Look out" I heard someone behind me yell

- talks with jules -
Yep, Fred isn't dying on my watch. nope. His death ruined me enough in the movies I'm not going through it again

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