chapter 07.

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After an amazing summer, it was time to return to Hogwarts, some returned to work, and some returned to finish school. Mattheo was assigned to the Gryffindor's which he absolutely hated, I was assigned to the Slytherin's, Theo was assigned to the Ravenclaw's, and Enzo to the Hufflepuff's.

Even though we were separated we saw each other a lot, during classes, at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and when the kids fell asleep. We were more often with each other than we were with the kids. We barely saw the others though (Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and Alora).

Enzo was trying his best to see Alora as much as he could but he knew she was stressed out from studying and needed to focus on school.

We were all sitting on the astronomy tower smoking a blunt, my head was resting on Mattheo's shoulder when we heard someone enter the tower. We quickly hid the blunt and turned around only to see Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Alora entering.

I rushed to hug my girls, I hadn't seen them in way too long "I missed you two so much" I said as I hugged them tighter

Suddenly I felt myself being lifted and pulled away by my waist "For god's sake woman let me greet my girlfriend" Enzo giggled as he set me down on the ground and went to kiss Alora "Dick" I rolled my eyes and moved back to sit next to Mattheo.

We caught up and we sat there talking for a good 4 hours before Snape found us and told the students to go to their dorms "Sorry Severus won't happen again" I apologized with a smirk on my face, he seemed taken aback by me calling him Severus but shrugged and walked off.

He couldn't tell us to go to bed even if he wanted to because he knew that we weren't students anymore and were free to stay up for however long we wanted "It feels fucking good that Snape can't give us shit for being up late" I laughed causing the rest to agree "Really good" Enzo added

The next day I noticed the teachers acting weird and on edge, I spotted some Slytherins whispering and I walked over to them "What's going on" I asked "People are saying that Voldemort is returning and Harry Potter is missing" they informed me. Fuck.

I went to look for Mattheo, I looked everywhere and I couldn't find him, I did bump into Thedore "Have you seen Mattheo?" I asked in a rush "No, me and Enzo are looking for him as well but no use, I think he's disappeared Ash" Theo placed a comforting hand on my shoulder "No, he wouldn't do that again, right? He loves me why would he do that to me again" Tears started forming in my eyes.

This happened once In the fifth year too, during the Triwizard tournament after Voldemort (his father) returned, we couldn't find him for weeks, and when Voldemort came to our school guess who was by his side? Mattheo of course.

He says he hates his father and he wants nothing to do with him but when it's time for war he always goes back to the wrong side.

Theo pulled me in for a comforting hug "I'm sorry Ash, You don't deserve this" I cried into his arms when Enzo found us "So he's really done it again?" Enzo asked, Theo nodded "I'll kill that bastard the second I see him. We always give the benefit of the doubt but he always screws us over" Enzo slammed his fist into the nearest wall.

"You know what, If this is how he chooses to spend his life then let him. I'm done trying to help him change." I shrugged and walked off towards the great hall, where everyone was sitting listening closely to what Dumbledore had to say

"I am saddened to have to share this news with you but I must. The Dark Lord is back and he's seeking for revenge. Harry Potter is not missing, he is on a very important mission, a mission that will help us defeat The Dark Lord. We did receive new information and we've found out that his son has joined him and it is only a matter of time before they attack the school in union" Everyone's eyes turned to me. It was no secret that Mattheo and I dated, hundreds of people came up to me during the time we dated trying to get me to break up with him because I'd end up dead but I didn't listen.

I realized I should've.

"That is it, Ashley Gray, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire, and Draco Malfoy please follow me to my office." Dumbledore stepped off the podium and exited the great hall with the 4 of us following closely behind.

We entered his office "I expect you to tell me where Mattheo and Voldemort are hiding. If you do not there will be consequences" Dumbledore demanded

"With all due respect sir, how the fuck are we supposed to know" I spoke up "Because he is your boyfriend and best friend, if he wanted to tell anyone where he is it would've been you." McGonagall entered with Pansy and Alora behind her "I was informed that the lot of you were at the astronomy tower until late hours with the Riddle boy" he added

"We had no idea. In year five when he did the same thing you also thought he told us but he didn't so why would he tell us now? He's a selfish asshole who only cares about himself and to be honest, I do not care where he is and what he is doing" I said and left the office.

I didn't care that I wasn't respectful, honestly, I didn't give a shit about anything at that point. The boy I loved with all my heart had betrayed for god knows which time and I was sick of it.

This time, I am done with Mattheo Riddle, I'll never speak to him again, I'll never look at him again and he'll never be in my life ever again. I'll find a good man, who loves me and who I love and I'll marry him but that man will not be Mattheo Riddle.

This is the end of our story.

- talks with jules -
I'm sorry😔😔 I need drama and I have so much more planned oh my god.

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