chapter 19.

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I was walking home from work in the Diagon Alley, Fred and I started living together 6 months ago. Well, more like, Fred, George, and I but it was so much fun with those two. Life was finally good, my friends were okay, I was in a healthy relationship and I was happy.

But then I saw him, I saw him and everything stopped. And not in a good way, in the worst way possible. He saw me too and was approaching me "Ashley" he smiled "Mattheo" it came out as a whisper but he heard it.

He seemed good, his hair was made and he had a suit on "Yeah it's me" he chuckled "What are you doing here?" I asked "Well I own a business nearby and to be honest, I was hoping to see you" he admitted

He scoffed "Why? Because I still love you, of course I do Who could possibly fall out of love with you" he stepped closer and I stopped breathing "When I told you up on the astronomy that you are the love of my life, I meant it" he leaned in even closer.

I stepped back "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked. I nodded "Yeah I do" I said confidently "Who?" his shoulders fell "Fred. We've been dating for almost three years" I informed him and walked away "Well can we get lunch sometime?" he questioned

"No" I answered and walked away. I entered the shop and looked around. I scanned the crowd and then I saw him. I thought about how incredibly lucky I was to call him my boyfriend. My boyfriend. My Fred.

I walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips "Hello pretty girl" his hands snaked around my waist "Hello love" I smiled into the kiss "I'm gonna go take a shower" I informed him "I have one more hour and then I'll come up to" he kissed me one more time before I walked away.

I took a shower, blow-dried my hair, and did my skincare. I finished everything I needed to do just in time when Fred and George entered the apartment "I made some pasta" I informed the twins as I set up the dinner table.

"You won't believe who I saw today" I said before taking a bite of the food "Who?" Fred asked "Uhm" I took in a deep breath "Mattheo" I chocked out

Fred dropped his fork to look at me properly "You saw Mattheo?" George asked "Yeah. Apparently he owns a business here" I informed "He said he's still in love with me and he wanted to grab lunch"

"What did you say to that?" Fred asked immediately, his tone telling me that he thought I loved him too "I told him I was in a relationship with you and I said no" I answered offended "You're sure? You didn't tell him you love him too? Or that you've missed him?" Fred accused me of cheating. I couldn't believe this "No Fred, I didn't. And frankly, I am very offended that you think I would do something like that" I slammed my hands on the table, stood up, took my jacket, and left the apartment.

I walked towards the little lake where I always used to go to, to relax. I sat down on my favorite bench. I was alone for a while but the. I heard someone approach me making me pull out my wand "It's okay, It's only me" I heard the so familiar voice speak up. I was about to walk away but he interrupted me "Please just sit down and let me talk. You don't have to say anything" he begged

I stood there for a good minute before turning around and sitting back down on the bench "I figured I was too late. I mean you're an amazing person, It's understandable you found someone who loves you but I needed to try anyway. These three years I've been away I spent erasing every trace of my father left, I had to make sure he had no way of coming back. And I needed to fix myself. I needed to become a better man for you" he admitted

"I always love you no matter if you give me a chance again or not. I'll always love you." he turned to face me "You're it for me Ashley"

I sighed "Mattheo, There's no doubt I dreamt of marrying you, everyone knew that. I loved you. You were the man of my dreams and you're one of the reasons my best friend is dead. No matter how much my heart is telling me to go back to you, my brain is telling me run away as fast as I can" I explained

"Which one are you going to listen to?" he asked "Fred loves me and I love him. I never felt as happy as I do with him. I couldn't do that to him, I just can't." I said and walked away.

I was walking home when I bumped into a very panicking Fred "Love I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. I love you so much and I know you would never cheat on me" he kissed my lips "I'm sorry too" I smiled "Let's go home" he kissed my forehead and interlinked our hands.

- talks with jules -

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