chapter 22.

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I was by the lake again, Me and Fred had gotten into a fight over who to invite and I wanted to invite Mattheo, he didn't agree.

I understand that he would think having my ex-boyfriend there would be weird but Mattheo and I were just friends, nothing more. And despite the fact that we used to date, we also grew up together and I wanted him to be a part of my big day.

I felt someone sit next to me, like always. Ever since I saw Mattheo I hadn't had a single time where I came to the lake without him being there as well.

"You've been crying." he stated "No" I quickly responded "I know you have, you breathe quicker after you cry and your breaths are shorter" he turned my head so I would look at him "What's wrong?" he asked "It's nothing I just got into a fight with" I paused realizing I shouldn't be talking about my relationship problems with him "someone" I added

"Fred?" he questioned, I only nodded "What happened? I hope he didn't do something bad" his voice deepened "No, no. It was a stupid fight I just don't like fighting with him" I sniffed and looked away again.

"Does he make you happy?" he asked "Of course he does" I responded with a nod "Are you as happy with him as you were with me when we used to date?" I thought for a second "Yes" I said although I wasn't completely sure if that was true "Are you happier?" I know I should've said yes and I have no idea why I said what I said, I guess I didn't feel good about lying "No"

"Don't marry him Ash" he begged as he took my hand and placed it in his lap "I promise I've changed. Nothing and No one will ever hurt you again. I'll promise I'll protect you till my dying breath" he scooted closer to me "Mattheo, I can't do that to Fred" It was tempting, yes. Maybe Alora and Enzo were right.

"He'll get over it, I've heard he still talks to Angelina, you know the girl he was madly in love with? And by the look of your face I assume you didn't know" My jaw dropped. I told him the second I talked to Mattheo but he had been talking to Angelina that whole time and I had no idea? Fucking. dick. "He made such a big deal about me talking to you" I sighed

"I could give you the world and more. Please, Ash, I can't live without you" he leaned in, he was about to kiss me "I'm not a cheater Matt, I gotta go" It took everything in me not to kiss me but even though I was many things, I definitely wasn't a cheater.

I entered the apartment with a slam of the door, Fred immediately stood up from the couch and walked over to me with a worried look "Love I am so sorry" he went to hug me "Don't touch me" I stepped back "What?" his face dropped even more "Have you been talking to Angelina?" I asked.

His expression changed, he seemed scared "Yes but-" I cut him off "Are you fucking kidding me" I sighed "You have no right to be mad, It's not like you haven't been talking to Mattheo" he scoffed "It's not the same. I told you the second I saw Mattheo, you have been hiding it from me this whole entire time" I yelled, people on the street probably could've heard us "How long?" I asked "Ash plea-" "How long Fred" I asked again "The past year" I took my keys again and left the apartment.

If he had told me about Angelina the same way I told
him about Mattheo, I probably would have something to say about it the same way he had something to say about Mattheo but I would've accepted it.

He hid it from me, for a year and I had to find out about it from someone else two weeks before our wedding. I was fuming, I called Enzo, I needed to be with someone I felt comfortable with.

"Enzo? Did I wake you?" I asked on the phone "It's okay is everything alright?" he asked in a tired voice "Can I come over? I got into a huge fight with Fred. I'll tell you about it tomorrow" I explained to my best friend.

"Of course come on" he said and I hung up before I apparated to his house, his elf opened the door for me before I reassured him that I could find my way to Enzo's room by myself.

I knocked and waited for his approval before I entered the room, he was in only boxers so I looked away while he put on his sweatpants "What happened" he asked while he sat down on his bed, ready to listen

So that's what I did, I told him all about Mattheo and Fred and Angelina "So are you getting back together with Mattheo?" he asked, I shrugged "I don't know, even though I'm really fucking mad at Fred I don't think this is something worth breaking up over" I said "This is all too much, I mean of course I'll always love Mattheo but will it ever be like before with him, I could make the biggest mistake of my life by breaking up with Fred"

I plopped myself on the bed "I support you with whoever you choose but Fred is less toxic. As nice as it would be to see our friend group back together fully" he stopped for a second "Almost fully. I do not want him to hurt you again" he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder "I think he's changed" I shook my head "But I don't know what to do" I placed my hear in my hands "Look, you can stay here for as long as you want, until you figure out what you want to do. "

I smiled "Thank you Enzo" I hugged him and went to walk out of the room "Where are you going?" he asked "To take the couch?" I responded "No, you can sleep here. It's not like we're going to do anything" he scooted over to the right side of the bed, he knew I liked to sleep on the left side.

I nodded and entered the bed, I fell asleep quickly. I was really fucking tired.

- talks with jules -
trouble in paradise??😈😈

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