chapter 23.

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I stayed at Enzo's for a week and returned home, I realized that I shouldn't break up with Fred just because he talked to Angelina, as long as nothing else happened I'd be okay.

It was two days before our wedding. I couldn't get the thoughts about Fred cheating on me with Angelina out of my head, so, I slipped some Veritaserum in his morning coffee. When I was sure that it had started working I asked him "Tell me everything that happened between you and Angelina during the year you talked"

"We kissed twice 5 months ago and while you were at Enzo's, I stayed with her." he confessed, I froze. Tears were threatening to fall out of my eyes but I had one more question to ask "While you stayed with her. Did you fuck her?" "Yes"

I took my jacket and keys and stormed out. I knew once the effects of the potion disappeared, he wouldn't remember what he confessed to, which is why I recorded everything.

I sent the video to the group chat with my friends and apparated to Alora's house, she immediately opened the door after reading my text that I was outside her house. I ran into her arms as I cried "I'm so sorry you didn't deserve that" She caressed my hair as I watched Enzo walk down her stairs.

Those two were getting serious. They had been dating for almost 5 years and I was so happy for them.

Enzo took me over from Alora while I continued crying "You're gonna call off the wedding right?" he asked immediately "I don't even know what to do anymore" I said through my sobs.

Enzo scooped me up in his arms and carried me upstairs to Alora's bed, they both stayed with me while I cried and then fell asleep. When I woke up, no one was in the room, I left and walked towards the kitchen where I saw Alora and Enzo cooking and laughing.

They looked so in love, like those couples that you see in those aesthetic videos as they danced and laughed through the kitchen. It made me sad but also so happy. They deserve each other and complimented each other so well.

Alora turned to me and started to plate the food "When was the last time you ate?" she asked "I don't know" I shrugged "Well here you go, your favorite pasta" She slid the plate over to me and encouraged me to eat but I wasn't hungry.

I managed to take a couple of bites but nothing more "I know it's early but you should know you need to call off the wedding as soon as possible" Lora reminded me "I'm not calling it off" I said in a low voice "What" Enzo chocked on his food "I'll leave him at the altar, embarrass him in from of everyone." I smirked and stood up

"And Mattheo, are you getting back together with him?" Enzo asked "I don't know" I answered "But I gotta go back to his apartment and grab my stuff. I'll tell him I'm staying at my parent's house or something I don't know. He doesn't remember confessing to me so he'll believe me" I said and grabbed my keys "Thank you though, for being there for me" I smiled at my friends and apparated back to the Diagon Alley

— — —

It was the day of the wedding, my hair and makeup were done. My dress was on me, it was the prettiest dress I had ever seen, shame I wasn't going to get married in it.

It was time to walk out. Perfect by Ed Sheeran: The instrumental version was playing in the background as I walked down the aisle. Fred looked at me with the biggest smile on his face, completely oblivious about what was about to happen.

I looked around the crowd and I spotted her sitting in the crowd, Angelina was there. He had invited Angelina without me knowing and he didn't allow me to invite Mattheo. Fucking dick.

I stood before my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend and smiled at him.

The officiant began to speak.

"Friends, Fred and Ashley have invited us here today, in the presence of God, to share in the celebration of their marriage. We who gather here today are separated by the many different experiences that we have had.

Despite these differences, we gather here today in this place because we share something in common. We share a desire to affirm and support the relationship of Fred and Ashley.

Marriage is an act of will. It requires a commitment to care for another person. By caring we show concern for the life and growth of those whom we love. Marriage requires a commitment to take responsibility for another person. By responding we experience the needs of that other person and try to help meet those needs.

Today, guided by God's love and wisdom, we affirm and celebrate Fred and Ashley's wedding day.

Before we continue this would be the time to speak your mind if you disagreed with the relationship, but holding your peace would mean that you're choosing to accept the couple's future together. Does anyone have any problems with this union?" The officiant asked

"I do" I heard a voice coming from the Aisle, I turned my head to see Mattheo walking inside of the place "Ashley I love you and I promise to forever love you. I may have done some terrible things in the past but I've changed" Fred scoffed at the speech "She's not falling for that" he whispered as I rolled my eyes at his stupidity "I would never cheat on you like that stupid fucker did" gasps were heard around the room, I smiled "That's not true" Fred raised his voice but it was shaking, indicating that he was lying.

"Yes, it is Fred. You can finally stop lying" I sighed and turned my attention back to Mattheo "Please" he begged "Give me one more chance. I promise I'll make you the happiest woman alive" he smiled, I smiled too. I didn't have to say it, he knew I loved him too.

I walked towards him and connected our lips in a deep and passionate kiss, I felt everyone's eyes on me but I didn't care, all I cared about was him.

He took my hand and we ran out together, giggling as we did so. And that's when I knew, this was our time to shine, this time it was finally going to work out. He was my endgame.


- talks with jules-
this book is officially finished🥹😭😭 I love you all so much and thank you a million times for reading my book. I enjoyed every second of it.

I'll probably publish an Epilogue about their lives a couple of years later but for now, this is a goodbye to Ashley Gray and Mattheo Riddle.❤️

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