chapter 12.

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Ashley recovered quickly, I would still catch a glimpse of her shaking or barely standing but she insists that she's fine. I think she just wanted to continue training which is understandable, if something like that happened to me I, too would like to know every way there is to kill that person.

I loved Ashley and I'd never say anything bad about her but she'd changed, a lot and I wasn't sure if it was for good. She didn't seem to care about what happened anymore but she didn't really seem to care about anything anymore, the only thing she wanted to do was train, all night, all day.

She didn't hang out with us as much anymore either, I mean, she did but she spent most of her time with Fred and George, I understood though, she needed time
to heal and she was definitely still hurt, she just didn't show it.

She needed to forget Mattheo and we reminded her of him, I never blamed her for distancing herself, none of us did, she went through something that would've killed a normal person but she fought, and she made it.

I was so proud of her, one thing I did notice as well was that she barely ate, I would see her at dinner but at breakfast and lunch, she would disappear.

She needed strength, she was still recovering, We thought she was just sleeping in but we soon had realized that she was gone every morning until training started, then When it was break time she would talk to Fred, and at dinner, she would talk to us, tell her about her day but after dinner she would disappear again or go straight to sleep.

I missed her, we all did but if this was what she needed to do to heal, we would've supported her every step of the way, friends or not.


I was doing fine, I was spending more and more time with Fred and George and I had come to find out there's so much more to them than just pranks.

Fred and I also started getting more closer, romantically but I was in no way ready to be in a relationship and he knew that, whatever we had, we took it slow.

I had distanced myself from my friends, I felt bad, of course I did but looking at them or talking to them reminded me so much of him, and the times we used to have. I needed to put that behind me.

As much as I loved him I could never forgive him for what he did, I still have nightmares about it, only Enzo knows though because I still talk to him.

It's impossible to stay away from him, I just can't do it. We grew up together there is no way I could've stopped talking to him.

The war was closer every day and I was ready, I trained every day and I had gotten stronger, much stronger than I was before.

Fred and George helped me with a lot of spells which I was thankful for. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley weren't in hiding anymore, in fact, after they returned we knew those were the final days before the war starts

- talks with jules -
short chapter sorry🙏🏼😞

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