chapter 10.

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I spent days of endless torture in the Riddle Manor, I begged God every day to have someone come and save me because there was no way I would've survived more of that. My body was already full of bruises and scars which were bleeding without pause, Mattheo pretended to care, he cleaned and bandaged them but I knew, I knew it was all just an act.

I wanted to die, I didn't want to feel anything anymore. I hoped every time that Voldemort or Bellatrix walked in that they would finally kill me, that they would make it all stop.

I even begged Mattheo to do it on multiple occasions but he said that, that was even an option.


Hearing her beg me to kill her was something that killed me, that wasn't an option but I understood her. She was tired and she'd gotten terribly skinny. I tried to attend to her wounds as much as I could so they wouldn't hurt as much.

I tried talking some sense into my fath- no, he wasn't my father. I tried talking some sense into Voldemort but it just ended in me getting tortured as well, he even shot the killing curse at me once but I managed to dodge it.


I listened to Dumbledore's speech with tears in my eyes, the whole group was crying it wasn't just me "We've received information that Ashley Gray has been taken by the Dark Lord and his son Mattheo. We do not know if she's alive or not but we send our prayers to her friends and family. And please do know we will do everything in our power to help bring her back" gasps filled the room. 

My eyes drifted towards Enzo who could barely breathe as he held Alora in his arms "What if she's" he sobbed "What if she's dead" I slammed my hands on the table "Do not say that. I never want to hear you say that ever again" I yelled and stormed off.

Draco ran after me "Leave me alone Malfoy" I spat "I know you love her mate which is why this is extremely hard on you" he placed a hand on my shoulder, I slapped it away "You don't know anything." I yelled "He was there, while she was probably tortured, he was there and he watched it. I know it. He's a fucking bastard and when this is over, if he comes back to her acting all fixed up, she will take him back" I completely broke down "She's been enduring god knows what and he hasn't even bothered to help her escape" I slammed my fist into the wall next to me.

I immediately felt my knuckles bleeding but it didn't hurt, I could only think about Ashley. When she comes back I won't ever leave her out of my sight again.

— — —

Two more days had passed. I was going to die soon, I knew it, I could feel my body start to give out.

It was pitch black in the room so I assumed it was night, I leaned back to look out of the small window and it was in fact night.

A while had passed I suddenly thought I heard someone entering the room, A minute later a bright light was shining directly into my eyes. When my vision turned back to normal I saw who it was. Theo, Enso, Pansy, Draco, Alora, and Blaise, they had all come. They came to save me.

I saw Mattheo stir awake next to me and quickly jump up after he realized someone had come in. The second Theo spotted him he rushed to the spot and started punching, pushing, and kicking him. He did everything possible to him and Mattheo just let it happen

"Theo please stop I just want to go home" I said in a low voice, I couldn't speak louder, I barely had the strength in me to speak at all. He immediately walked towards me along with Enzo and got me out of the chains

I fell into Theo's arms and they didn't waste a second before apparating back to the school, the second we arrived I started sobbing, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Theo held me as softly as he could, like I would break if he squeezed me too tight "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner" he whispered as his hand stroked my head.

I was about to respond but found myself unable to, my vision turned black and that was the last thing I remembered.

— — —

My heart stopped the second I saw her collapse, Theodore quickly caught her and we brought her to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey was sitting in a corner reading a book, she jumped up when she saw us come

"My god" she gasped "Is that the missing girl" she asked "Yes, please help her" Theo's voice was shaky, he could barely speak.

"Of course place her on the bed" She pointed to a bed and we all rushed to it "Poor girl. She's endured a fate worse than death" Madam Pomfrey spoke as she slowly unbandaged all her wounds "It's better you all leave, she won't be awake for a while"

"No" Theodore and I shook our heads "We're staying until she wakes, the rest of you can go, you can come in the morning" I spoke to the group, they all nodded and left. All except Alora "She'll be okay Enzo" she hugged me and kissed my lips "She will be" I nodded.

Theo brought us two chairs and we sat there the whole night, in complete silence. After the group left Pomfrey spent quite a lot of time cleaning her wounds and bandaging them all up again but after she went back to her chair and told us to call her if anything happened.

Nothing did. She didn't move a muscle but we stayed nonetheless. In the morning the group came, and we stayed for the whole day. George and Fred came to visit her as well sometime in the afternoon.

The night came around again. It was 1:43 am and she flatlined, I couldn't breathe as I helplessly yelled at Madam Pomfrey to do something, We managed to get her heart beating again but she still didn't wake up "Look I am in no way saying that that's the case but you should know that there's a chance she will fall into a coma." she informed us.

Neither of us had the right words so we just nodded at that.

A week had passed, and it was 6:53 pm when I saw her finger move for the first time in the whole time she'd been in the Hospital Wing, it took her a while but eventually, she managed to open her eyes. Theo and I were ecstatic, we honestly thought we were going to have to give up on her, not that it would've happened though.

I hugged her softly, as soft as I could and then Theo did. We let our friends know that she was awake and spent the time it took them to arrive to tell her what had happened

"I'm not surprised" she said softly "I felt my body giving up, If you hadn't come I probably would've died" she said as she fiddled with the ring on her finger.

"Well, you're okay now. And you will be, no one will ever hurt you again" Theo kissed her forehead.

- talks with jules -

SO MUCH PAIN. It honestly hurt me to write this but it is what it is🤫 I feel bad for my girl Ashley she doesn't deserve this😔

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