chapter 18.

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S I X  M O N T H S  L A T E R


I waited for Ashley in our favorite restaurant when she walked in, looking as beautiful as ever. Her brown hair was down in beautiful curls, she had her favorite white dress on and the heels I bought for her.

She smiled at me as she approached our table "Hello love" I kissed her lips before she sat down on her chair "Hi" she greeted, the smile still plastered on her face.

"You look beautiful" I complimented "Thank you" she said. I slowly pulled out the ring from my jacket "Now, I'm not proposing yet but I wanted to give you this" I explained


He opened the box to reveal one of the prettiest rings I have ever seen in my whole life "I promise that I'll love you forever and you won't ever have to doubt yourself with me"

I smiled "Fred it's so beautiful, it must've cost a fortune" I admired the ring as he placed it on my right hand ring finger "You deserve it" he kissed my lips "It's genuinely beautiful, thank you so much" I stood up to hug him "You're amazing" I whispered into his ear

"How about we take this back to your apartment" I smirked "I have a gun in the safety closet in my apartment. If I ever say no to that offer I want you to use it on me" he took my hand and apprated us to his apartment. George was on a date as well which meant it was empty.

He didn't waste time taking off my clothes while I took off his shirt. He placed me on the kitchen counter as he hungrily made out with me.

He swiftly unhooked my bra "I hope you're not attached to these" he ripped my underwear in half and stuffed it in his back pocket.

He immediately slipped two fingers inside of me while his lips moved down to my neck, he didn't give me time to get used to his fingers, he moved them in and out of me at a fast pace causing me to moan out loud

"You like this" he captured my lips in another kiss as I nodded "Words love" he rubbed my clit with his thumb causing my legs to shake "Yes" I moaned out "Oh Freddie don't stop" I screamed as my orgasm washed over me.

He quickly pulled his fingers out and took off his pants and his boxers in one move before slamming into me "Fred" I moaned as he quickened his pace, the pain was terrible but only for a second, soon enough it turned into pleasure and I couldn't keep my moans in any longer

"Keep making those pretty sounds, pretty girl. Let everyone know what a slut you are for me" he whispered into my ear while I felt a knot in my stomach form "Freddie" I cried out as I felt myself orgasm for the second time that night.

He pulled out and started dressing himself but I had other plans in mind. I pushed his pants back down and kneeled before him. I pumped his length a couple of times before taking everything I could into my mouth

Fred moaned as he fisted my hair into a ponytail and started to face fuck me "Keep going pretty girl. You can take it" he bobbed my head up and down causing me to gag around his dick, the vibrations kicking him over the edge.

I felt the warm liquid spill to the back of my throat as I swallowed it. He picked me up and carried me over to the couch where he sat me down.

He kneeled before me and placed my legs on his shoulders, giving himself the full view "You are so perfect" he smirked before he dove in. His tongue was working my clit while he fingered me, I cried out due to the overwhelming pleasure "Don't stop please" It didn't take me long before my third orgasm washed over me.

After I came, he picked himself up to the couch next to me and pulled me into his arms, we sat there in silence, and just as we were about to fall asleep naked we heard the door being opened "Shit" I immediately grabbed the blanket and covered the two of us with it

"Heyyy George" I smiled at the boy "Hey" he smiled back "How'd your date go?" Fred asked him as he looked around the room "Great I'm seeing her again tomorrow" and then he noticed something "Are you two naked under the blanket" he raised his voice causing my cheeks to turn red "Disgusting" he said as Fred started to laugh "Disgusting" he said once again before entering his room.

We quickly gathered our clothes and went into Fred's bedroom where we fell asleep soon after

- talks with jules -
I LOVE ASHLEY AND FRED. But no one can top Ashley and Mattheo, I kind of miss them😔😔

Btw. I still don't know if I'll give them a happy end or not😭

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