chapter 20.

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Fred and George had been acting weird, so weird. To be honest, I was terrified he was going to break up with me or something.

Mattheo and I still talked from time to time. He still tried to win me over but I kept rejecting him. I wished I could stop seeing him all together but I couldn't, I couldn't stay away from him.

George walked into the apartment that day, telling me Fred had a surprise for me, it was our four-year anniversary. George blindfolded me and we apparated somewhere. I felt grass beneath me as George led me somewhere and finally started to take off my blindfold.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a field of tulips, in front of me was a huge heart made out of white roses and in the middle of it was written "Will you marry me"

I gasped as tears filled my eyes, I stepped closer to my boyfriend who was on his knees already "Ashley Gray. Ever since I saw you walk into the great hall in year two, I knew I wanted to marry you. You are an extraordinary person and you make my life so much more better.
You make me the happiest I could ever be and I'm ready to spend my life trying to make you feel the same way. Will you marry me?" I started full-on sobbing, I didn't even have to think about it "Of course, I'll marry you"

I let him slip the ring on my finger before I jumped in his arms to kiss him "I love you so much" he told me "I love you too Freddie. You have no idea " I smiled as I hugged him tighter "Congratulations" George suddenly walked up to us and then pulled us in for a hug

"I'm so excited for you to be a part of the family" he kissed my cheek before moving on to congratulate his brother. George apparated back to the apartment while Fred and I stayed in the field for a while, fucked, mostly.

After a while, we apparated back to our apartment and I said goodbye to Fred and then gathered my friends at Enzo's house "I have a huge announcement" I giggled to my friends who were listening intently. I lifted my hand up and just let them figure out the rest

Alora was the first one to jump up "You're engaged" She ran to hug me, gasps were heard all around the room and everyone hugged me, we went out for dinner afterward, in the Diagon Alley.

"I'd like to make a toast" Alora stood from her seat with a drink in her hand "Ashley has been through hell and back and love wasn't really on her side back then but I am so glad to see that she has finally found someone who loves her and makes her happy. That's all I've ever wanted for her" I started tearing up, my focus drifted behind Alora for a second and I saw a very sad? Mattheo standing there. I gave him a soft smile which Enzo noticed and quickly turned around to see who it was.

He turned back to his previous position and gasped "Mattheo? Ashley no. What is he doing here?" Enzo asked causing the rest of my friends to gasp as well "I'm not cheating on Fred if that's what you are thinking. Last year I bumped into him and he still doesn't want to leave my side. He says he's changed and I know he has. He lives a peaceful life now. He's convinced that he'll be able to win me over again" I explained to my friends

"Are you sure it's a good idea to talk to him again? I mean he was your first love and everyone knows you never lose feelings for your first love" Pansy spoke up

"Yeah, but I bet not everyone got tortured by their first love and his father" I spoke and continued eating. No one said a word after that


I was in the shop talking to some customers when I saw Mattheo enter through the doors. He spotted me and started walking in my direction "You proposed to her" It wasn't a question "Yes" I quickly replied "Good luck and don't be stupid and hurt her. She deserves to be happy" he gave me a nod as he spoke "I would never. I am nothing like you" I said and walked away, not caring if he had anything else to say.

— — —


After dinner with my friends, I walked to my usual bench by the lake. I enjoyed the peace and quiet every time. I felt someone walk up and sit next to me. I knew who it was.

"So you're engaged" his voice was shaking, like he was holding back tears "Yeah" I answered "I still love you Ashley" he sighed as he placed his head in his hands "I know" I nodded "But it's too late" I continued "I love Fred, I really do. I am so happy with him and I finally feel alive again. Did you know that I couldn't even get out of bed for 5 months after Theo died? But Fred managed to get me to laugh again, to make me feel something again." I explained to him

"I didn't know that" he whispered "I know. Theo was my brother, I loved him like a brother. And because of your father, I cannot tell the person I love the most that I am engaged." I broke down, I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks

"I am truly sorry, you know I am. I never wanted Theodore to die. He was my best friend too"

I stood up "I'm sorry, I can't talk to you. I have to go" I said and walked away.

I entered the apartment I shared with my fiancé and his brother "Hello beautiful" Fred kissed my lips "You okay?" he asked after somehow noticing that I was in a bad mood "I'm fine sorry" I shook my head as I apologized

"You can tell me if something's wrong alright love" he kissed my forehead "I know, I am okay I promise. It's just times like these really make me miss Theo" I started crying, again.

"I wish I could tell him I'm engaged and watch him be happy for me as we jump around the room" I chuckled remembering his reaction when I first started dating Mattheo.

"It'll be okay beautiful, I know it hurts but you'll be alright" he hugged me tightly as I cried into his arms.

"Alright let's go make some cookies and then we can cuddle and watch movies" he kissed my cheek and then we went over into the kitchen. George came home soon after and we finished the cookies before moving to the couch to watch a movie.

I felt okay and I realized, that was the happiest I was ever going to be. I didn't need Mattheo and if I started dating him again I would be in constant fear that Voldemort would return.

With Fred I'm safe. Safe and Happy.

- talks with jules -
we're nearing towards the end of the book🙁 I am not ready. I'm way too attached to these characters😭😭q

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