chapter 03.

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A week passed in a blur and so much happened, cooking with the boys, swimming at the beach, every. single. one of the boys getting sunburned, me catching Lorenzo and Alora making out multiple times and so much more.

It was the perfect start to the perfect summer.

Mattheo and I were growing closer as well, lingering looks across the room, kisses on the cheek, me being jealous when a girl talks to him, him being jealous when a boy talks to me. The only problem was we didn't have any time alone.

"Guys we're restocking and cleaning the house today" I announced to my friends who were sitting in the living room. Everyone lifted their hands up "I want to go shopping" they all said in union "Alright I need at least one person here with me to help me." I informed "I'll stay" Mattheo volunteered immediately "Perfect. Alora knows how to drive, here are the keys to the Mercedes. Don't crash it please" I begged and let my friends go.

I sent Alora a text message which contained the shopping list and I made sure to tell her that If someone wants something they can get that too. "Alright, what's my job" Mattheo asked "You can start with the trash and I'll be cleaning" I offered "Alright" he took a trash bag and started collecting all the beer bottles, cans, snack wrappers, and everything else while I cleaned the kitchen.

The day went by fast. Mattheo and I had finished cleaning the house and were sat in the living room watching a movie considering the rest of the group wasn't back yet.

Of course, we chose a scary movie. We were sat closer to each other and when a jumpscare came on it made me jump into his arms, he held me tightly since he knew how scared I was of horror movies

Mattheo Riddle

My plan was working perfectly, I knew she was scared of scary movies and it went exactly how I planned it, she jumped into my arms causing me to react immediately and wrap my arms around her.

After the scene was over she sat up straighter with my arms still around her and turned to face me. Her eyes drifted to my lips and then back to my eyes, lips, eyes, lips, eyes, soon enough I took the hint and kissed her. It wasn't a hot, messy kiss. It was soft and passionate, like the kiss that tells you the person still loves you.

God, I hope she still loves me because I know I won't ever stop loving her.

"Million feelings, for one person. That's you."

She pulled away slowly to catch some breath and then I kissed her again, I missed her so much, I missed the way she kissed me, the way her hand fit perfectly in mine like it was meant to hold mine, the way she clutched onto me when we kissed and the way she made me throw out butterflies from her room because she was so scared of them.

Scared of butterflies? So stupid right? But it's so cute at the same time as well.

After we finished kissing we stayed in each other's arms for a while before the others came home, when they did the girls started making dinner while me and the boys decided to watch the soccer game that was on the TV "I'm actually going to see if the girls need help with dinner" I told the boys "Mattheo Riddle? In the kitchen? Who made you go soft dude? Is it Ashley again" Draco smirked as the guys turned to me "What if it is? Jealous are you Malfoy" I smirked and left, he knew I was joking though

Ashley Gray

"So... Me and Mattheo kissed today" I informed the girls with a smile on my face "What" Pansy yelled out "Shhh" I shushed her "We need all the details" Alora jumped up and down causing me to laugh "You're more excited about this than I am"

"Anyways we were watching a scary movie and I got scared like a person does while watching a horror movie. And then I jumped into his arms" Pansy gasped in excitement "We had this crazy eye contact and then we kissed, two times" I giggled thinking back to the moment

"That's so adorable" Alora hugged me "So do you think you're getting back together" Pansy asked right before Mattheo walked in causing us to stop talking "I don't know" I whispered and then smiled at the boy "Do you need any help with dinner?" he asked

"You can cut up the bread if you'd like" I offered and he immediately took the bread, knife, and cutting board before going to work

He was cutting the bread a little too thick "Here let me show you" I walked around the island and grabbed ahold of his hand before showing him how to cut the bread. He kept looking at me the whole time "Matt if you want to learn you have to watch the bread, not me" I smiled and faced the boy "You're nice to look at" he shrugged "Thank you now watch the break" I said and smiled before showing him how to cut it once again.

The night passed quickly, we all ate and us girls cleaned up the kitchen before we setters in the living room to watch a movie. We all fell asleep after the movie was finished. I fell asleep in Mattheo's arms.

Lorenzo Berkshire

I woke up first, I watched Ashley and Mattheo sleep peacefully in each others arms. I've listened to the two talk to me about how they missed each other more than 5 times a day. If they don't get married one day I won't believe in love anymore. They're meant for each other.

My gaze drifted to the beautiful woman next to me, I kissed her forehead and went to the kitchen to make coffe for the group.

Ashley Gray

I saw Lorenzo leave towards the kitchen and I slowly stood up trying not to wake up Mattheo "Heyy" I smiled at my best friend "Hey love bird 1" he smirked "Oh hush you" I slapped him on the shoulder as I lifted myself up on the kitchen counter

Enzo handed me a coffee before I took a sip of it. Just how I liked it. "You're an angel" I kissed him on the cheek "Always have been" he winked and leaned against the counter next to me "So what's going on with you and Mattheo" he asked me "I don't know, we have been growing closer lately and the fact that we were alone yesterday definitely did us some good" I explained as I took another sip of my coffee

"Well i'm rooting for you two, you're perfect for each other" He wrapped an arm around me and we sat like that until we finished our coffee

I felt someone walking up to me and soon enough Mattheo came into my view "Hey beautiful" he kissed my cheek and started making himself some coffe "How did you sleep" I asked him "Perfect" he smiled knowing I knew what he meant.

The three of us talked before the rest of the group stood up and us girls wanted to start breakfast "Actually, the boys discussed and we want to make the food today. You girls always do it, you deserve to be treated too" Mattheo announced as he put his arm around me

"That's really nice guys thank you" I kissed Matt on the cheek and sat in the living room with the girls "You two are so cute" Alora whined while she plopped herself on the couch "Us? What about you and Enzo" I giggled

"What about us?" she blushed "Oh Lora you know exactly what I'm talking about" I smirked "Hush you" she hit me softly right as the boys entered the living room "Breakfast is served Madam" Mattheo kneeled before me making me laugh "Why thank you, kind man" I took his hand and let him lead me towards the kitchen.

Eggs and Bacon, the usual breakfast but hey at least it wasn't cereal. I sat down on the chair and noticed my plate was laid out perfectly unlike the others "Mattheo spent extra time making sure your plate looks perfect" Theo whispered in my ear "Oh my god Mr.Riddle since when are you such a romantic" I gasped in his direction "Anything for you gorgeous" he kissed my lips and sat down to eat as well.

Like I said, the perfect summer.

- talks with jules -
they are so cute😭😭 but is it going to last long? you never know🤫

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